Meanesfor theright obtaining offaith. 15 5 able to doe whatfoever he will , and willing toperforme with his hand, whatfoever commethout ofhis mouth.Wee muff fay toour foules, The Lord ofhisgrace invites thee poore, needie, rniferable, félfe-condemned wretch tocome unto Jefus Chrifi , and ofthe fame grace hath promifed to accept thee ifthoudoe come, toheale thy foares, tofor- give thyfines ; come therefore,behold, hee calieth thee: reafon maybe deluded, fenfe is deceitful! , but the Wort' ofthe Lord endureth for ever : Thou haft his faithful] pró- mite for thyfecurity, difpute nomore, but drawneere with confidence. Fourthly , it is veryneedfull againe and againe to con- fider what excellent things are promifed, and foraife the 4. heart toan high prizing and valuation of them. The wife I Merchant doth not buy the pearle, till he know it to bee ofexcellent price, or better than anyprice. Great things are eagerly fought upon probable hopes : The meere poi :» fibilityofobtaining force great and extraordinary good, is of force infvaying mens a6lions. And ifMerl confider feriouflywhat rare, furpafiing, precious things be promifed to them that come unto Jefus Chrifl, and ref} upon him , what fhall withhold them from beleeving ? Werewee certainly perfvaded, thatever-ailing life, full laden with all the fruits oftrue life,joy,andpeace, and all choiceR pleafi?res,without any annoyance, fhould bee con- ferred upon themthat beleeve in Jefus Chrift, would.wee not hangclofe,and flicke faf+, and not {infer thepleafares or profits of this tranfitory life to divide usfromhim ? The reafon why we firivefo flackly tobeleeve, and be dull in Gods.fervice,and faint in trouble, is, becaufe our heartsbe not holden with the ferions confideration of that king- dome, joy , and glory, which Godbath preparedfor them that beleeve, and cleaveuntohim. Fifrly, ìtisalloneedful! todenieour felves, otirdefires, lulls, and affe&ions ; to make overall our interefl in our lives , or whatfoever is deare unto us ; and to inure our hearts caimeIy to endure the hate and oppofition, though