162 Meaneswhereby Faith isfßrengthened. 3. Cor. t5.58. 4. S. Exod. 34,6. Joh. 7.;7. Hof/ 4.2. 3. 7 John 5.14. Prov.2E.73. Ephef.z.4. fing our foules to mote fpiritnall and heavenly joyes, and labouring that our defire of grace and care to exercifeour felves in all goodworkes doe grow, as thewôrld comes in upon us. Thirdly , Walking according to the rules of faith in humbleneffe of minde, meeknef e, purity, mercy, long- fuffering, and in all good workes , improving what we have received to the gloryofGod, is a notable meanes to con- firme and(Irengthen faith. Faith brings forthgoodworkes, and goods workes increafe faith. Faith bath his fruit crea- ted in it : but the betterfruit it bringethforth, the faller it groweth. Faith is a fruitfull Mother that gives life to holineffe : andgood works , as akind Daughter , helpe to fupport and fuflaine the Mother. Beyeeftedfafl,, nnove- able,alwaies aboundingin the worke ofthe Lord. Fourthly , A daily veiwingof our finnes , which by ex- aminationwehave foundout , is.availeablehereunto : that being humbled truly, andbrought to account bafely ofour felves, wee maybekept from fulneffe and lothingof that death ofChrifl, the fweetneffewhereofwecannot tafle or rellith as we (hould, except we feele the tartneffe andbit- terneffeofour firms. A fift meanes is daily andoft to fend up flrong prayers toGodfor it , andpurpofely to feparate our felves from all otherthings in the moll convenient manner that weecan , to thinke deepely ofhis unfpeakable goodneffe, mercy, truth, fatherly affe6ion,and tender compaflion inJefus Chrifl; remembring withall what manifold, fweet and gracious promifes hee bath made untous in theGofael of his Sonne,wherebywee come tohave more neere acquain- tance with Godsnature, his minde, andpurpofe towards us. And ifwee beleeve anhonefl man fa muchthe more, becaufe he often goeth over it, when heaffirmeth this or that unto is the ferions meditation of Gods promifes reiterated againe and againe, mull bee availeable to firengtben faith, and fafhion theImageofGod in us more andmore. Sixtly,