Meanes whereby Faith is:jtrengthened. Sixtly , To thefe mull bee joynedordinary and reverent hearing of the glad tydings offaivation, which is the key whereby God doth open and (oftenourironhearts; and an holy ufe of the Sacraments, whereby this heavenly truth, whichwe havealreadyreceived, is yet further fea- led up toour confciences. Thefeordinances wemull fre- quent with anappetite. Sound and healthfull bodies re- ceive nourifhment from their food,and fuckvigour outof it for growth and flrength : Lively faith feedeth on the Word of life , and increafeth. Though theWordbe im- mortall feed , which corruptible food is not, yet in this they are like , that looke as bodily food dothnot put to the body all that fubilantiall flrength and latitude which belonged' to it ; fo the foodofthe Word doth not at one time augment the foule with all length and depth of knowledge, faith, hope, love, juliiee, temperance, which it is to bee brought unto. Inwhich regard, as li- vingbodies need dailyfood , that they might grow unto perfection of nature ; fo ibules having grace,have needto goe over with the ufe ofthe meanes, as well asothers, that the divine nature may bee more and more enlarged, gettingup as the light ofthe Sun doth intheairewhich it inlightneth. Seventhly , It is good to call to miede the experience ofthe faith and joy which weehavehad at any time be- fore; remembring that former comforts are as abill obli- gatorie under Gods hand to affure that he will not for- JAI;.I. fake us. For whomGod loveth, hee loveth to the end; becaufe heis unchangeable, thefamefor ever : which confe- derationmay ferveto fettle us in afl'urance of Gods love towards us, more thanachild canbeofhis fathers good- will, or'awifeofher bodily Husbands favour, for theyare mutable. Eightly, Obferve theopportunities , when it pleafeth God in fpeciall manner todraw nighuntous , and make nieofthem. God vifiteth his children fometimes in ten- der compailion, and knocketh at thedooreoftheirhearts, M 2 inviting! 163 6. 17. Rorn.4.t t. 7 zCoz. t.zo. 8.