164 of the temptations wherebySatan feeketh to inviting them todivine and heavenlycommunication with him. Sometimes hee inclineth their foules to frefh forrow for finne , fometimes herefre(heth themwith more lively apprehenfionofthejoyes of Heaven, fometimes they feele the motionsof the Spirit quicke and lively. Uponwhat occafions foever , or inwhat manner it (hall pleafe God to offer himfelfe unto us , it fands us upon to make ufeof that for ourquickning, tonourith themotions ofhis Spi- rit, and byfervent Prayer toentreat the continuanceofhis prefence. 9. Ninthly , Faith increafeth by exercife, and groweth by continual! ufe. Ifwee learne to live by faith inmattersof this life, bothwhenwee have , and when wee want the means, and re(+ uponGod forfitcce(fe in our lawfull cal- lings,without diflraBeingcare , wee (hall with more facility and eafedependuponthe free promifes of grace for mercy and forgiveneffe: CHAP. XII. Ofthe temptations wherëbySatanfeel eth to batterdewne ourfaith,andhow hemay beref ied. §.1: s.'. HEDevill knoweth right .well, that faith is EPe .. 5. a the band whereby wee are knit unto Chrif}; the fhieldwherebywee quench the fierie dartsoftheDe- vilI, the ground-worke ofa godly life , and the fafe Ca- file of a Chrifhan foule : If faith bee weakened, our zeale cooleth: , our courage abateth , our life is te- dious , our Prayers faint , the exercifes of Religion uncomfortable, and all the graces ofGods Spirit pine and langui(h. Alfo by doubting and di[lrua wee difhonour God , lay open our hearts to temptations , difcourage others, mad tyeour owne hands that wee cannot fight a- gainaour deadly enemies. For thefe caufes Satan ende- yours