batter downe our Fwith, andhowhe may be refaffed. 165 yours by all meanes tohinder , as the kindly takingfothe growth offaith, that fuch as hecannot'hold in the chaises of finbee might make their lives dead, wearifome, unpro- fitable, by doubting and discomfort. Firíl, Satan fiiggefteth , that it is horrible prefumption for fuchvile tanners and worthleffe wretches to perfivade themfelves of Gods fpeciall love and favour. And to this end he fparethnot to fet forth the majeflie, juflice, andpu ritieofthe Lord, thatitmightflrike thegreater terrourin- to thewounded confcience. For the repellingofthis temptation, it istobeknowne and remembred,that Gods mercy, favour, promifes, and benefits are all free, which hee vouchfafeth, offereth,be- floweth, without any refpedl of worthineffe or deferts, of his meere grace and undeferved love in Jefus Chrifl. And therefore as when weeare mofl worthy inourowne conceit, there is no reafon wee fhould prefume the more; fo whenwee find our felves unworthy, there is no caute why wee fhould hope the leffe. For the ground ofour confidence is the promife offree and undeferved merde made in Chrifl Jefus to miferablè forlorne fanners , who fee and acknowledge themfeIves tobee morevile thanthe mire in thefireet. And this lets forth the praifeofGods mercy fomuch the more, that it is afforded to filch befe abjeèls, who deferve nothing, but to bee aft forth and trodden under foot. Should the prifoner doubt of his Princes mercie when hee heareth his pardon read, and feeth it fealed,. becaufe hee hath merited no fuch kind- neffe Againe , it is goodto call totninde andferioufly tocon- fider what ffrong encouragements wehave to receive the promifes ; and howwee are notmoredefirous to beleeve , than God is we Should fo doe. For Goddoth through Iove intreat us , of friendlbip counfell us , andofhisau- thority , beingable to performe, commandethus ; as ifhe would hereby (hew ,;,that none bath authority tobinder orforbid the, fame. And therefore wee muff beewarned, M 3 to Temptatían, 4. gaiuft Faith. x.Wortblefe.fe. Remedied ThePhi; ofour tos, worthineffemuft uotdifcourage ut- from heleeaing; zrors: tg,zó, x,Tim.x.xS. x jóh.;,z;,zq,..