z66 of the temptations whereby Satanfeeketh to 2. They know not whether they be elated. Remedy. J,oh.3.23. Tim.E.t z. Hebao.35. Mattha3.3 0. Joel 2,26,27, 32. Job. 0027. Satan is net to be harkenedunto, nor reamedwith, when he tempteth to Infidelity. Gen.3a,2,3. EpheGr.r3. §.3: 3. They arefullof doubtirtge. Piaf. 224I,2,8L 77.1.0,1 tobeware of all occafions, that may darken or put out the light of our confidence; as reafoning or queflioning a gainfl our felves for yeelding to this truth lately recei- ved,&c. §. 2. Satan will here obje& to the weake and timorous Chriflian , thathe knowes notwhether hee beofthe num- berofGodsele&,and therefore bath nothing todoe with thepromifes. Ifthe Devill let upon us in this fort , wee muR hold fuch fugge{lions to arife from the Spirit of er- reur, becaufe theyare contrary to the voice of God, who faith to the afflicted confèienee that is wearieoffinne, Be- lieve, lay holdoneternal/ life, cat¢not ova] thy confidence ; Be effablifhed , confirmed, and abound in faith. Therefore wee muR lend no care to fuch whifperings oftheold fer- pent, but cleave fail to thewordofthe Lord, and cut offall contrarie inchantments. It wasthe firfl degree to theutter undoing of her felfe and pofleritie in our Grandmother Eve, that {bee opened her Bareto a falfe and lying Ipirit in the mouth ofa Serpent, which under a faire colour per- fwaded, orrather covertly inticed and drew her to eat of the forbidden fruit. Thedecree ofGod, which is fecret in the bofome of the moll High, is not the rule according to which wee muff walke; but the word of life,revea led in holyScrip- tures, we mull takefor ourdire&ion. IfGodmake offerof mercy and forgiveneffeuntousin the minifleryofthe Gof- pel, which is theWordoftruth, theWordoffalvation, wee arebound to receive it, without looking into the booke of his ele&ion : and ifwereceive them truely, wee (hall bePa- ved, as theLord bath fpoken. § 3. IfSatanbee drivenfrom this hold, bee felicites to feire, becaufe many doubts and motions of diftrull arife in the heart; as if there could be no faith, where thereare fo manydoubts. And it cannot bee denied, but motions to diiiru{l argue faith tobeeweake, which is a want that many of Gods people doe bewaile in them - felves, and for which they ' doe well-nigh defpaire in them-