batterdarne our Faith, andhowhemay be refitied. 167 themfelves Notwithflanding let not any be outof heart dy, for the fmall and fcanty measure ofhis faith, ifhee have Faithmy bettC true faith , well rooted. For faith maybe trueand lively, that re weake, 3oh_+ 39,4 =,53 that is but weake and fmall. For difference in degrees u k93-. doth not varie the nature of well rooted affiance. And Jk, 244=, God requireth the truthof Faith, but it isnot neceßärie 7 =3.38 that it bee perfea in degree. If a Prince fhould proffer a Ads c. pardon to a malefa. for, upon this condition onely, that he receive ir, would he queftion his Soveraignes bounty and grace, becaufe hee put forth a palfey-fhaking hand ? To doubtof Gods mercy becaufe our faith is feeble,israther to relye upon our faith than upon the Lord. It is notthe excellency and great meafure of faith that doth make us righteous before God, but Chrifc whom faith doth re- ceive and apprehend : which a weake faithcan doe as well as the ilrongeff. They that did looke on thebrazen ferpent but with oneeye, yeabut with halfe an eye, were as well and`fully cured of the deadly flings ofthe fiery ferpents, as thole which beheld it with both. As a fmall and weake hand is able to receive an aimes as well as a fironger and greater, foour faith though feeble, dothreceive Chrif+ as truely andeffe&wally for the falvationofthebeleever as thegreatefi and moll thong. In the manner of receiving there is fome difference ( for the more firme our confi- dence, thegreater is ourcomfort) but in the truthnone r' at all. Againe, it is notfaith, but Chriff received byfaith that nourifheth to life erernall. Meate reached to the mouth by atrembling hand , fuffaineth the body no lefTe thanif it were applyed by an arme of flrength ; thegood- neffeof the nourifhment receiving no change or alterati- on from the externall inftrument of application fo here Chriff is the fame to them that receive him true ly, though it bedone in one with more,in anotherwith lefTe flrength ofaffiance. Wee read in Scripture, that Chriff reproved forne for their (mall faith, that they might flirre up themfelves more confidently to relye upon him : but wee have not M 4 heard,