Ball - BT770 B3 1637

r68 of the temptatiowwherebySatanfèeketh to Efay42-3* Markp.z4. § 4. 4.Theycannot keepe theirfaith ftrongandiedfaft. 7temedie. James i. 17. PCal.7. TO, xx. R0(11414,9. want offeeringar- greethnot want ej faith. heard, that bee ever rejected any that came to him in weakneflè, defiring to be confirmed. The leaf} graine of faith , iftrue-, is acceptable unto theLord : Hee will not quench the fmoaking flaxe. His dìflike of ourweakneffe is an argument of his love and care for our good, who would have us to be fettled in theaffurance ofhisfavour , and not to waver inuncertainties toour great di1omfort. The firait chargeheehath laid uponus tobeleeve , and the fevere threatnings annexed to that his Commandement if weobey itnot , is a manifeli evidence ofhis bounty and good will towards us, who is pleated thus to bindeus un- to himfelfe, to confirme unto us his love, and fo un- doubtedly to affure us ofhis mercy, thatit is tohim amat- ter ofunkindneffe, ifwee [hall once makedoubt or temple ofit. Doth any man miflrufl the affection ofhis friend, becaufe he hath oft charged him not tobe firange, tomake bold with him in anymatter ofimportanceand need, and bath rebukedhimbecaufè hee (lands a loofe as though flee f iouldnotbewelcome? 4. 4, Some are difmaied, for that they cannot keepe their faith (for any continuance) firong and fledfafl, but they feele it wavering, inconfiant, flitting, fo that they fall into great forrow, feareand doubtings. For their com- fort they mull know that there is no fhadowof change withGod, and that it is their weakneffe fo to thìnke. Men are variable intheir affeótions , whom they doteupon this day, they deceit tomorrow : But fuch lightnefl'e andva- nity is farre from our God : His love, mercy, andgifts ofgrace are all unchangeable. Alto they mutt beperfwa- ded , that labouring after and groaning to refl their wea- riedCowles upon the promifes ofmercy, beingnever fatis- fled till their doubtfitlneffe be removed, will bringagood end; fo that they (hall neither mifcarrie , nor beforfaken of the Lord in the loweff depth of their dif+reffe. And though for a time they feele not that they havefaith or life, theymay trulybee aliveunto God, as itis evident by fundry teflimonies and properties ofthenewbirth, which may,