batter doling' our Faith, andhow he mayy be refilled. I69 may bee difcerned in them who doe mof complaineof their efl:ates. Aman fuddenly friken to theground, and amazed with fume violent blow , wanteth not life altoge- ther, though hee perceive it not : Breathing andmoving are infallible tokens of life in the body, which by many likelihoods appeareth tobee dead : fo panting and brea- thing after the confolations ofthe Lord, and the light of his countenance, be undoubted lignes of the newbirth,' though they bee not eafily difcerned (efpecially in the honre oftemptation) by them inwhom they are. Where- fore the weake in faith muf bee wife in heart, and not meafure themfelve.s by their prefent faintings and infir- mities :but wait uponGod, andufe the meanswhich hee bathprefcribed inhisWord. As childrenfirfl learne togoe by a Poole or fourme; ficke folke recover their tafle or frength by little and little plants (hoot not up fudden- ly and at once , but by degrees ; corn fuffers many a (harpe formebefore it cometo ripeneffe : fo faith.hath its beginning, growth, and confirmation; calmes and formes to ripen it. Ifitbee demanded, why dothGoddeale thuswith his children, and Puffer them to fall into fuch depth ofdoub- ting,forrow and feare? The anfwer is , that in regard of the beleever himfelfethis doubting is aweakneffe , which muf bee with-food and overcome : For the attaining whereto, the occafion ofthis doubting in him who bath once beleeved muf bee fearched out, andforemoved : whichordinarily is our owne infirmity, negle&of duty and fleightnefïèe in themanner ofperforming the fame, r fome particular fin, or pronenetfe to fin,and nourishing-the fame, or long lying therein whereupon-the tender con- fciencefeareth that his formercomfort wasbut deceitfuil and vaine, and fodoubteth of his good elate. But this fai-. leth out bythewife providence of'God fa, difpofing, left by the fudden change from fo damnable and uncomfort- able anelateto fo happieandjoyfull,he liftedup andconceited, and fo become fecure and prefumptuous. Againe Why thefsithfull arefahjeu to fach doubts andwant offeelin,.