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Ifires and longings to bemade par- taker of this mercy, p. z 141a I p 3. It draweth us forward to feeke mercy of God by esnfained confeflion and hearty fupplicati- on, p.2.15,2,16,2.17 4. It embraceth and refleth upon the fpeciall and free mercyof God in Chrift for pardon, p..zi 8 5-.It doth certifie of pardon granted and fealed unto us, pag. 2I8,119 How faith Both afriire that our . finnes are already pardoned, p.z19 Three prerogatives accompany confident aflurance. I. Peace with God. z. Free acceffe unto the throne ofgrace. 3. Joy in the Holy Ghofl unfpeakable andglorious, p.zzo z2I 6. By faith wee continue in this bleffed (late, in fweetpeace and fellowfhip with God, p.zzz 2.2.3 k Chriftianmay live by faith for manydayes , or rather all the dayesof his life, in fweet peace and communion withGod, if hee will learnt to maintaine, and takepaines to exercife his faith aright, p.2.2. 3,224 `To what meafure of joy a Chri- ftian may attaine, pag. 2ve ,.z6 Two fpeciall caufes therebe, why many good Chriflians live fo long in feare'and doubt.. i. An immoderate á$gra- vatión.of their fhne;and corio nu, all thought of theirunwortbines, p.zz7 'Theremutt know t:is good tole- nie themfelves , but not to contained in thisfecondPart. doubt of the mercy of the Lord, ibid. ThedeteflationoCGnne is great ly to becotrimended;if they re- member withall, that there is hope inIjrael concerning this, p.zz8 Therebe finnes of ignorance, in- firmity, forgetfulnelle and fud- den paffion:and therebe foule, enormous , notorious finnes, which wound confcience, pag. zz8,zz9 Ifa man have often fallen into notorious offences, he is not to defpaire, p.22.9 A foule offence after grace recei- ved is not unpardonable,p.zz9 2, 30 Many complaine they cannot be- leeve, when indeed they thinke there is no promife of mercy made unto them, upon which they (hould ground their con- fidence, p.230 Such muff know , 1. That God calleth them in his word to conic untohim,as if hedid par- ticularly name them. z. They mull confider of the free grace of God in promi- fing, and his faithfulnef£e in ma- king good whatfoever hee hath promifed; ibid. The fecond caufe is, ignoranceof thé way- how this,afl'urance is tobe fought, upoir what foun- dationit-is to bee laid inwhat order they comeunto it, p.z3i Two things are fpecially to. -bee learned for theirdire&ion. .1. That afi'oone as ever a man feeles'finne'as ahurthen,,and doth trulythirh to be earedof it, hee hath a calling to come unto Chrift, p.:2.35,23z A z. The