batter dowse our Faith, andhowhe may be refilled and paine ? The Phyfitianknowes heft the ftrengthofhis patient , and what hee can beare : what is neceflary for one, would kill another. It is good togrieve, becaufe wee Faith maybe found in them, can grieve no more for finne But to doubt of Gods whoneverfound love , becaufe hee deales gently withus, left wee fhould Push depth sf ferrom, as others be fivallowed upoflorrow , is great ignorance, weaknefle , havedom. and folly. Godmany times keepes from his fervants the horrible and gaftly afpe6t of their finnes in wonderful) mercy, left the horrour of them , and Gods wrath due . for them, fhould over-whelme them. If God by in- nor. 2.c¢. ticements and fpeaking to thy heart have brought thee Att.16.14, 4. home unto him , thou haft caufe to magnifie the tender mercy of the Lord , who bath not dealt with thee after thine inquities : for had bee fet thee upon theracke , as many have beene , thou haft reafon to thinke , thouhadft never beeneable tobeare it. Feare ofconfcience, griefe of minde , doubtfulneffe of falvation commends no man to God ; neither is it againft aman or with him in afl'uring himfelfe offalvation, whether wee have longor Ihort time beene prelted with fuch forrowes , but that hee bee well freedanddelivered fiom fuch trouble, and difcharged of hisfeare. §. 7. A poore Chriftian is oft put to great plunges §. 7. through the malice of Satan, becaufe there is much weak- 7. Theyneverfelt nefl'e of fpirituall life in him, bee never felt any great any fitexigth ftrength ofgracein himfelfe,. and what he formerlyfelt is Remedy. now decayed.. By this Temptation God dothchaftenour pride and (welling of heart, unthankfulneffe,: difeonti_ nuanceofcareto cherifh and . increafe received graces by meanes fanRified , running into, ocçafions ofdecay and cooling, and contentment with a final) pittance of grace, faith , holineffe :_For all which finnes, and other oflike kind , weemuff unfainedly humble ourfelvesbeforeGod , craving pardon of his meere graceand mercy. This Hu- miliation isafpeciall meanes tocafethe confcience ; as the wound cloth'ceafe raging when it is : pinned and well drawn. And 171