172 af the temptations wherebySatan f eketh to TNimay have truefa(rh,theugh fleeBever hadany goat Frerrút6of rare, jer.3. s> Lu 11.2,3,4. S2. 8. What theyfor_ .erlyfe&erne), treeáyed. .e 'e° Phil 4.10. thaca.16.=8. And it mulebe remembred , that wee arebut children, and thereforeweake ; yea, and fubje6t to many fpirituall difeafes, fuckas take away fenfe oflife : and therefore wee muff feeke to bee cured , andnot defpaireoflife. When any one part or member is difiempered or ill at eafe, wee delpairenot ofthe faferie of thewhole perfon, but labour to cure and tellore it to health againe : fo when weehave offended , wee fhould retort tothe Phyfitian ChrifJefus , make our complaint to him, andbee confidentfor his pro- mile fake that he will help us. And ifthey who havefaine and offendedGod , may turne home againe to their fide Husband with good welcome ; fl;all not they much more be belovedofhim, and comforted by him , who have not provoked him, but are onely helddot-vne through feare and infirmity And though their graces bee (mall , theymaybee true whiles theybefmall. Little faith is faith, as a little fire is fire. Goddefpifeth not little things inobedience offe- red to him. In the facriñces of the Law, not theprice of the gift, but the ability and effeaion oftheofferer was re- fpe6ted. Anddfweakneffe of grace was any jufl caule of feare, who might affure himfelfeofGods love ? Not one. For though force have grace in greater meafure than o- thers, yet all are compafled with infirmities, and havenot attained unto perfehion. But it is not fo much enquired how great or little, as how fincere our faith and obedi- ence is Faith ifit be unfained, though but as a graine off Muflardfeed ; obedience, ifit behearty,though mingled with manyinfirmities, bath prom feofgracious acceptati- on. And the fmallefi beginnings are pledges ofgreater favours, where there is thankfallacceptance andconfcio- nable rife of thofe already received to thegloryofthebe-, flower. l, 8. Ifwhat was formerly felt bee now decayed in feeling ; even in Gods deareflchildren there maybe decay of graces inpart;and for°'á timerOf the - 'Philippians the Apoflle faith , your care beginneth to fpring againe . be- like