i 74. of shetemptations wherebySatanfeekethto Prov.3os a; PfaI.;rg12. In time eftemp- tation the.ed(y doe erre many waiet in exami- nation eft&em_ Jelves. beatenwith tempetls , dead in appearance. Coales raked clofeunder the afhes, that they give neither heat nor light, doe yet retaineboth , though they thewnor forth them- felves. There is4generation pure in their owneeyes , who arenot purged from their iniquities : the rnofl holy are not privie to all their fecret finnes, nor throughly acquainted with the deceitfulneffe of their owne hearts : And the graces of the Spirit may lye hid in the hearts ofthe rege- nerate,andworke infenfibly to theirfeeling and difcerning, as well as corruption lurke fecretly and workeprivily in the fouleboth of regenerate and unregenerate. An argument drawne from his fenteand feeling, may have fomecolour in the conceit ofa diflreffedminde : but in truth it is ade- ceitfull reafoning to conclude, That they have no faith, becauft theyhaveno fenfeor feeling thereofin their appre- henfion. In theagony ofconfcience none aremore unfit tojudge ofour eflate, than wee ofour owne. Though at other times wee be ficke offelfe-love, and too partiall in our owne cafe ; yet in this fiate , towards our felves wee are moil uncharitable ; and being out of lovewith our felves, weeare apt toderogate from the worke ofGods Spirit in us. It is moil certainalto, that in the examination and triall of our etlates,wee commit no (mall errours in the time of temptation, the minde being clouded with the miffs ofSatans fuggeflions, and the heart fo ditlempered with feare,that wee cannot difcerne the graces ofGod in us,nor acknowledge boldly what in a fart wee fee. Sugge- flionswee take tobe finnesofcontent and purpofe ; failing in thepurpofed meafure offervingGod, or in forne particu- lar , wee drflinguifh notfrom falling from our generall purpofe tocleave unto God in the performance of all du- ties ofholineffe and righteoufnefl'e : we put no difference betwixt abfolute falling from purpofe, and failing in exe- cution ofpurpofein fomeparticular. Common infirmities wee judge prefumptuous finnes, or fuch blemifhesas can- notbe in theSaints ofGod : paillons wee etleeme as deli- berate