batter dormoar Faith, aridhow he may be reffled 175. berate purpofed refolutions ; and motions to diflruft , which are evidencesof weakne fie, are fuppofedpregnant tokens oftotall.infidelity. Certaintie of adherenceis not diflinguiíhed fromcertainty ofevidence : ifwee findnot afluranceofpardon , we conclude there is no faith, though poffiblyat the prefent , wee refolve to rollour Pelves upon the faithful! promifeofGod , andpowreout our foules for mercy. The Lord diverfly gives evidence ofhisSpirits prefence in us. Sometimes a child of God perceives little diffe- rence in praice betwixt himfelfe and very aliens; yet let himview hisaffeEtions , he may fee grace there : fome- times againe moremay bee feeneinpra6tice , than in the affe&fion. When the heart is over-whelmed with feare and doubt, a man cannot finde love,joy, or delight in the Word of God ; but then his frequenting the houfe of God , his private reading and conference,areteftimonies that hiswill is bent to the Law of God. But thefe things arenot obferved in the timesofdiflrefl'eandbitteranguifh; whence it followeth , that God may evidence his pretence with us bythe Spirit ofgrace, when by reafonofour frailty wecannot difcerneit. Furthermore, if a man can d'ifcerneno fparkeofgrace, nor feele anygood thing inhimfelfe, hee is notto defpaire. But as the fenfe and feeling of his prefent (late oughtto humble him under Gods hand, and movebim toenter into aferions examination ofhimfelfe, and to unfained repen- tance for his finnes: fomull: he take comfort untohimfelfe, and prop uphis weakedeclining faith,by calling tomind¢ former times,wherein the Lord bath caufed his merciful! and gracious countenance toThineupon him , and wherein hee bath glorified God by an holy life and converfation. Forifever he bath difcerned the graces of Gods Spirit by the fruits offan&ification,they arenot utterlytaken away, though for a time they bee buried fromhis fight, that hee cannot find them. The feed isnot dead that lyethall win- ter under the elods,&appearethnot byfruit aboveground. If Ifa man tandit. cernenofparke of 'grace irs him- felfeforthepre- lim, he i, Not to delpaire. Pfa1.77.3ïgÿ 10,I2.