Ball - BT770 B3 1637

178 Of the temptations wherebySatanfeeketh to Pfal.22.1, 38.3',4.&77:7.& 88.14. Jat.2914,1f. §11. 12. They have long ofd the meanes ofgrace,and can ft'ndenocomfort. Cants.2,3 ?emedie. feeling, but to Gods Word. For our fenfe is oft decei- ving, fpeciallyin mattersofgodlinefl'e : but the Wordof the Lord is fincereand abideth for ever. In bodily difea. fes offeme kinde , wee truflmore to the judgement ofa skilful] Phyfician, than to our owneconceits : and (hall we not thinke, that God knowes our fpirituall efiate bet- ter thanwe cur felves ? What can wee beleeve in matters ofreiigion , if wee beleeve not more than we can difcerne by fenfe or realm ? The being ofa thing, and the fenfi- ble difcerning of the thing tobee, aredivers. Howfoever at fometimes they concurre, yet oftentimes theyare feve- red and difjoyned. Becaufe theSunne appeareth not to us at Mid.night,(hallweconclude, that it never bath, or will fhine tous againe? Shall achild imaginehis Father never did or will truly love him hereafter, becaufe for the pre - lent hedothnotadmit him intohis pretence, or affordhim a favourable and Iovelycountenance ? No lefle abfurd,but moreinjurious is it toour heavenlyFather , toconjeólure , that nograce or favouris tobe foundwith God, feeing now thebeamesofhis love and mercy arehidden from us. The dearth fervants of God , who have beene indued with moll eminent graces , and highlyadvanced into fpe- ciall favour withhim , have yet in their ownefenfe appre- hended wrathand indignation in fleadof loveand favour, difpleafurein flead ofcomfort,and troublein fleadofpeace. Did God tenderly refpe& them, when he feemedto teare them inrecces , and to breake their bones likea roaring Lion : and (hall wee judge ofhisaffetionby ourprefent feeling ? g. r t . But what if wee have long ufed the meanes of grace, and can finde no comfort? In this cafe wee mull repent of the former negleálto accept ofgraceoffered, and pray toGod toforgive and pardon it; Weemull alto ex- amine our hearts with all care and diligence to findeout the fins which haplydoe hinder comfort,and bewailing the fame, flirre up our felves to receive the promifes. For oft-times the entertainingof forme bafome fine, which if we