180 of thetemptations wherebySatanfeeketh to § b. ,3:Theyareafraid offa me intofomei fe.,,faextremuy. Haw rim tempta- tion Id robe re- flleed ALuk, 2242. Rom.8.34,3s. b Phil. ,.s. Rom.ir eg. %v. 37. 24 forour converfion. Ifwe havemade him toBandknocking at the dooreofour hearts long before wegave him entrance; let it not feeme tedious,if the Lord doe not 'forthwith open tous the dooreofhis privie chamber, and admit us to the fweet fellowfhip and communion with him. Comforts when theycome are ufually proportioned to the meafpre oftribulation, andmultitude of fervent prayers powredout before theLord. Much trouble receives in the endplenti- full confolation. g, I a. Satan moletleth fix-tie Chriflians with feare of . falling into fome fearefull extremitie: By which temptati- on it 1 ,leafethGod to acquaint men with theirown weak- neffe, and to chaflen or prevent pride,fecuriry, rafhcenfu- ring ofothers that have fallen into fuch difcomforrs, or the like. But for theremedie thereof, let them labour to forti- fie faith in the gracious promifes, which Godbath made tohis children,offuflentation andprefervation. Asfaith in- creafeth,fo feare abateth ; as it ebbes,fo feare flows .And let them to this end confider,that Chritl hath a prayed for pre - fervation againfl all fepararing extremes. And God that cannot lie , hath b promifed to keepe his children from utter declining, and to etfablifh them thatbee feeble and ready to fall. The Lord bath made it knowne to bee his will and pleafure, thathe will never take away thatgrace which once he bath given , but increafeit rather till it be perfedled andaccomplifhed :andwhen we are affured ofhis will, we may relie upon hispower for theefl'eéingofit , and inferre heewill keepe us fafely, becaafeheisable to eflabli(h and confirme us. The greater our weakenefle is in grace, and the more grievous our Gcknefl'e through finne and the noyfome humours of corruption, the more carefully will bee watch over uswith his Almighty power. The flrong cannot (landby their owne might, if God withdraw his hand : and the weakefr frail beeable toovercome their mightiefl enemies, being nnderpropped by the Lord. What floods of trouble foever doe flowover us, we (ball efcape drowning, iftheLordholdup our chin. Feare