Ball - BT770 B3 1637

batter downour Faith,andhowhemay be refilled. 181 Fea're is adeceitful! andmalitious pafíion , tyrannical!, ra(h,and inconfiderate , proceeding oftentimes fromwant ofjudgement , more than from theprefenceor approach ofevill to be feared, tormenting with the dread of what, fhall never come, we were never indanger of : It is there- forevaliantly tobee refì(led , not to bee beleeved orreafo- ned withall. Feare in our ovine firength is by all meanes tobee cherifhed : but diffidence in Gods power mercy, goodnefle, truth, and providence is to bee abandoned. The firong muff not prefume in himfelfe, though more excellent thanothers ingrace ; nor the weake diflrull in the Lord , though feeble, andnot able to goe high-lone. The hope of prefervation flaying upon inherent grace is felfe-confidence : and the feare of falling arifing from the lenfe of weakneffe is diffidence in God. In holy Scripture wee fhall finde, that the flrongefi have fallen , when the weake have flood and they have Beene foiled moll grievoufly, not inthe greatefi affaults, but when they have given way to their lulls, negle&ed their watch, or were Browne fecure and dreaded no danger. The Lord bea knowes the flrength of his childe , and will not fuf er `him to bee overtaken with thofe uncomfortable fails, out of which he (hall not re- cover. § 13. Sundry Chriflians through the malice of the Devill, bee unfettled with feares, that notwithfian- ding all their care they fhall never hold out in faith and an holy courfe of life unto the end ; but by perfe- cution or other affii&ions and provocations thall bee turned backe ; fpecially confidering that they are mar- vellous apt to flip and coole in time of peace, and whilefl they live under the meanes ofgrace. Thisfeare is to bee removed, by calling to minde the promifes of God, fo plentifully and richly fet downe in the wordof grace. And they muff confider , that the fame Godwho keepes them in time of peace , and blefl'eth the meanes of grace whilefi they doe injoy them , is able and will N 3 uphold § T. 14.Tveyfhall re. ver hold ont to the end. Hom this tempta- tion isto be re. moved.