182 ofthe temptations wherebySatanfeeketh to Pfal. rE8. LEik, 5. r;. § 14- iJ.Th,y .remA- ny Waies crof9ed andafeiacd. uphold them in the timeoftrouble , and whenmeanes bee wanting. Ofour felves wee Rand not at any time ; by his power wemay overcome at all times. And when we are forefi af- faulted , hee is ever ready at our right hand, to fupport and flay us that wee (hall not fall. Hee bath well begun, and (hail happily goe forward in his worke, who bath in truth begun. For truegrace well planted in the heart, how weake foever, (hall hold cut for ever. All totali decaies come from this , that the heart was never truely mollified, nor grace deeply and kindly rooted therein. And as for preíent weakneffes, it is good to acknow- ledge and bewaile them ; bait they mufl not, forfomeim- perfe&ions , cafl dowre themfelves halfe defperately, as though God regarded them not, or they fhould wither and utterlydecay. For. as the Brieand thirfly ground or fpunge fitckethup muchwater, fo thehumble fpirit drinkes up much grace , and (hall bee replenifhed abundantly with the waters of comfort. And if their portion ofgrace bee the frnallefl ofall others, they mull flrive togrow forward, but without difcouragement. For of fmall beginnings come great proceedings; of one little fparke a mighty flame ; of' a fmal l Acorne a mighty Oake; ofa graineof Muflard -feedagreat tree : and a little leaven feafoneth the whole lumpe. All feares and doubts, which arifein their hearts , mull drive themto fend upearnefl prayers toGod daily and oft, for this grace of faith tobeemorefirmely rooted in them : which theymull doe willinglyand gladly, that they may feele their doubting and feare to vanifh as fafl , as theyperceive theirhold in the promifes ofGod to waxe flronger. §. 14. Satan beares many in hand, that their manifold crofl°es and troubles in theworld, and their want of out- wardbleflings, is an argument of Gods difpleafure to- wards them. This was the fiery dart, which hee by the mouthes of E1iphas, Bided, and 7zophar (yea of his owne wife) did (hoot at yob ; agaìnfl all which , if' bee had