batter downe our Faith, andhow he may be refilled. had not held out the shieldoffaith, beehadbeene pierced through and through. And wee fee by daily experience, that when a godly man ig croffed inhiswife, children , goods , reputation; thefe outward of liuîions are often great occafions of deadly forrowes , and grievous temp- tations touching the affurance of his owne falvation. The remedy is, to, thinke ferioufly and to acquaint our felves familiarly with the properties of God ; the truth, unchangeableneffe and nature of his promif s ; and the manner of his dealing with others of his fervants in his wonderful! providence. For therebywee fhall learne,that Goddoth love tenderly, when hee doth corre;`Lfeverely ; and remainech unchangeable, when our outward condi- tion cloth varie and alter : yea, that ail his chaflifements are butpurgativemedicines, to prevent or cure tome fpi- ritual! difeafe, which hee leech wee are inclined unto. Should God never minifler phyficke tillwee feeit need- ful!, defire to take it, or bee willing of it; alas, wee fliould periih in our corruptions, anddie for want ofhelp in duetime. It is good to humble ourfelveswhen God correóeth : but todoubt of his ,love, when hee dealeth lo- vingly withus, is a great weakneffe. Alto wee Should call to minde that. God allowes, yea requires, that men in aflfi&ion fhould live by faith , both for a fanaiLed ufe in them , and a good ilThe out of them in due feafon. And foaffli6tions or earthly encumbrances would bee no meanes to weaken our faith, but to increafe it rather. §. x5. Some godly perlons by the fubtle and cruell maliceof theDevil!, are brought to this bondage, that they are perfwaded that they are utter reprobates, and have no remedyagainft theirdefperation. And this temp- tation,enoughofit felfe to (hake and terrifie the affiicled, is made farre more grievous when melancholy poffeffeth the partie : for that raifèth exceffe ofdif+rufl and feare, and caufeth the partie to perfwade himfelfe of mile- ry, where there is no caufe. In this weakeneffe Satan N 4 affailes 18 Rcrrredy. Outward craps are no Argument ofGods d. f1!ea. fiore. Job g. r7. l'rov.;. 71. jam. r. ra. Heb., x 7,8,9, 70, 11,12. §Ts. 16. They are with feare, that God hashutter- ly raft Thus of