Ball - BT770 B3 1637

batter downe our Faith, andhow he may be refafted. Moreover , they are with a earl'nef}neffe to be put in minde ( yet with the fpirit ofmeekneffe and compaflîon ) and toconfider, how much it doth difpleafeGod, thatthey are removed from their faith,and havegiven place tocon- ceitsand fpirits oferrour , contrary to themoll cleare and comfortable promifès made them that thirft, repent ,feare and love the Lord , tremble at hisword, are broken-hear- ted, &c. And therefore they should gather more godly boldneffe and confidence in God ontheone fide, andmore courage and flrength againft Satan on the other fide. For if God call and encourage us to truft and relieupon him , and wee (landing in need thereof, would moll gladly embrace his promifes made in Chrift Jefus, who is hee that fhould hinder us ? TheScripture , (peakingofthe ma- lice ofSatan in tempting and affailing Chrillians, biddeth them, Beefirong and ofgood courage, undrefsifirongin thefaith. Satan tempteth them , to overthrow theirfaith ; and by giving place to feares and doubts they advantage the enemie againft their foules : but let them take oc- cafion by the temptation to draw nigh unto God, and rowfe up themfelves more confidently to tell and waite upon the Lord ; fo fhall theypleafe God, and put Satan to flight. Neither let them afterthis be 11111 objeling, that they feele (mall flrength offaith andhope:forthereby theene- my may take encouragement to their difadvantage, when feare fetteth open the heart tohis malitious temptations, and binds the hands ofthe difireffed that he cannot refill: but Iet them Air up their courage and refolution towaste upon the Lord, not 'ill-cuing any more to their lirongbut deceitful' feare. And what though they feele not that fweetneffe , which fometimes they felt? will they therefore judge their [late to bee naught? Whatfweetnefl can the foule tafle, when it is over-whelmed with feares,perplexed withtemptations , troubled with doubts ? Phyfickeisun- pleafant andbitter to the tafle : Temptation fhould not be temptation , if it did not affe&. If the foulebe nowficke, 1$5 Rom.8. z8. James I. iz. tfay 66.z. ó,i z. I Pec.5.8,y.