batter downe our Faith, andhowhe maybe refilled. 187 none at all : wherein they mayeafilybe deceived , fir(l, in the difcerning, then in the meafure and portion. For when the inward feeling thereof cloth-not answer their delre, and the a6,-lions proceeding there-from doe not fa- tisfte their thirll cfrighteoufnefle, whereby releefe may rife to thenourihment offaith, and the fatisfying of that holy appetite; they are difcouraged and intangledvvith fpirituali cares , from which a more advifed confederation agreeable toGods Word might eafilydeliverthem. And touching the portion,it isa fault tomeafure the excellencie offaith and power thereof, partlyby quantitie , and unfea.. fonable fruits (fo to call them) and not by verme, kinde plantation, foveraigntie, and feafonable fruit : which er- rour in temptation the diflrefledareapt to runne into, and fo to trouble themfelves without caufe. Men looke not that Corne should fpring in harvefl , or beripe inspring ; that trees shouldbud or beare fruit inwinter : becaufe itis not the feafon for fuch things. Neither ought wee toexpea fuch lrength of memory and lively operative anions of brace, in age , fickneffe , great forrowes and temptations , as at other times in young yeeres free from Inch aflfaults. The fruitsoffaith, fir forthe feafon , may be difcerned by them that can rightly judge, when fweet refrefhingsfor- merly enjoyed bee lacking. The effea s of faith in great temptations and cloudie feafons are to looke up for helpe,_ fìbh , groane , complaine to God , prize his favour, draw nighuntohim , andcal himf Ife upon God , though bee feeme to bee angry : at this time faith is incumbredwith many lrong feares, wherewith it is burthened, againfl` which it laboureth , over which it doth not eafily nor fpeedíly prevaile. Joy, peace, fveet refrefhing, and fen- fble tailing ofGods mercy , be the fruitsofwell Browne faith in the timesofviáorÿ and freedome : Thole Sum- mer-fruits are not to be gathered in the depth of winter. It is an errour , tomeafure the truthof;race inage, by the effecìsproper toyouth, or the foundneffe offaith in temp- tation, by the effe6ts peculiar to the dales, oftriumph. Neither