Ball - BT770 B3 1637

188 ofthe temptations wherebySatanfeeketh to Neither arewee to account thenature ofany thing, accor- ding to ourfenfe, or thePhew it maketh. For then fhould the moll fruitfull tree in winter be taken for barren , and the lufy foyle for drie and unfruitfull , while( it is thur up with the hard froi. But reafon, being guided by the WordofGod , muff leade us rightly to judgeof thepre- fence and life of faith in our foules, which being the fhield in this our fpirituall warfare, endureth much battering and many brunts, and receiveth the fore- front of the battell, and oftentimes fareth as ifit were pierced through, and worneunfit for battell; yet is it indeed of nature invincible, and repelleth whatfoever engine the enemy inforcethagain( us,and ftandeth firme- rooted, whatfoever forme Satan raifethfor thedifplacing thereof. How then are the difre(fed to behave themfelves in this temptation , whenboth the fenfe of faith is dulled in them, and the fruits miniffer difcontentment? They muff rightly confider what bee the winter- fruitsof faith, and not expe& fuch things in themfelves as agree not to that feafon ; andwithal! remember that thegifts and mer- cyofGod iswithout repentance : and fo rake courageun- to themfelves confidently to calf their foules upon the mercy of theLord in Jefus Chrif. For as he knew them , when they were firangerrs from him , and loved them , when they hatedhim, and hadnothing which might pro- voke his mercy, but finne and mifery : fo is his good- nefre continued fill upon them for his owne fake, and not at all for their deferving. And though theyFeele their abilityweake, theenemie thong , their frength tired and cleaneworne, their corruptionupon the point toprevaile, the fruits and branches of faith, through thefeformy tern- pefs,nipped and (haken; yet the lap of faith (ball never be driedup in the root , neither can anywinde ofSatanfo blaff, that the immortal! feed beat any time quite withe- red. But patience andconfancy , with a refolure minde to beareGods triall, will bringagood end, yea, by a meeke going