contained in thisfecondPart. 4. It fighteth courageouflya- gainft finne, and cryeth inftantly to the Lord for helpe, ibid. 5. It fubmitteth willingly to what courfe the Lord is pleafed to take for the crucifying of finne, ibid. 6. Faith is the band or finew whereby we are eyed unto Chrift the fountaine of grace, p. 243, 244. 7. True faith ftirreth up to thankfulnefïe for the beginning of fanaification, p.245 The meaner how a Chriftian is to flirre up faith to beleeve that God will fan &ifie him, when bee feeth nothing but thraldome. r. Hee mull bevvaile his fpirituall nakednefle, thraldome, and vaflallage under finne, p. 245 246 z.He muff looke to the grace, truth, and power of God , who hath promifed to fan&ifie : to the fulneffe and fuffrciency that is in Chrift the fountaine ofgrace, p. 246,247 3. Hee muff pray inftantly unto the Lord for fan&ifying grace, p. 247,2,48 4. It is good to move the heart guietlyto reifin thepromife, and rejoyce in hope, p. 248 Cxsr. IIII. ritHrift hath purchafed for us life everlafting no leffe than righteoufnefl'e, p.14$,249 Eternal' life is promifed upon con- dition of faith in Chrift , p. 2.49 Life eternall is begun in them that beleeve, ibid. When firft wee beleeve, then are we intituled to life everlafting, and fo have the accomplilh, ment of glory in refpc& of right and propriety, rag. 249 250 It is our duty tobeleeve in God through)efus Chrift for theob- taining of eternall life to bee given ofgrace, p.25 t It is very neceflary tobeleeve it. i.That we might with more qquietnefl.e of mind beare the af- Fli &ions, troubles, and perfecuti- ons,vvhich befall us in this world, p.25í z. It ferves to effablifli our hearts againft fundry worldly cares and feares, ibid. 3. If wee keepe Heaven in our eye, wee lhall fight courage- oufy , and.runne with patience , notwithftanding all oppofirion, p. 252 The a&s of faith concerning thefe promifes. r. As an humble petitioner it receiveth and layeth hold up- on falvation it felfe promifed, p. 252 z. Faith doth not begin to apprehend life , and then leave it toworkes, but Both ever cell upon the promifeuntil' we come to en- joy it, P,2.53 3. By faith wee receive the promifedSpirit, as the earneft of our inheritance, ibid. 4. Faith in the promifes of everlafting life leadeth forward in the paths ofpeace and righte- oufnefte, p.z54;2.55 5 It feeketh to get our ti- tle confirmed and Allred to the confcience by evidence , and ear-. neft, or pawn, p.255 Az 6 Ie