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190 of the temptations wherebySatanfeeketh to, 28. fientaìion,and attend the time ofperfeéì growth,according' tothegood plea lure ofGod. Oh, but they feele not the tefrimonyofGods Spirit, which might affure them ; they can finde no fparke of grace in themfelves. Neither doe any of Gods children at all times feele it : but that they may fee their own frailty , God doth as itwere hidehimfelfe for a feafon (as aMother doth from her child to trie his affection) that theymay with more earnefi delve mourne forGodswontedgrace, and praife him with more joyfulneffe ofheart when they have obtained it againe. And yet God lothnot with-hold comfort from his children, manytimes when theywalke heavily : but theirovinefrailty and vehemency of temp- tation, whichoppreffeth them, diminifheth the feeling thereof. When the winde is loud, the aire fcormie and tempefiuous, a man cannot heare the voice ofhis friend; when the heart is filled with feares, and perplexed with manifold temptations tolling it up and downe, the calme and (rill voice of the Spirit is not difcerned. And in thole feafons, the triali of faith is tobe taken, by thofe fruits , which are evident to the eye of others, who can judge more Gncerely than the afi6fed themfelves, in that an- guifh offòttle andfpirit. As the Fick manduring the time ofhis difiemper, muff nottruft to his ovine talk , but ra- therrelie upon the learnedPhyfician, andother hone!.} and difcreet friends : fo the faithfull muff not give toomuch to the fuggef}ious of their owne heart poffeffed with feare; but rather beleeve their faithful! Pallor, andother godly and experienced Chrifl:ians that are about them. But to yeeld fo much to their prefent weakneffe (be- caufe in thispeplexitythey will bee ever and anon quelli- oning the fòundneffe of former comfort, and integrity of their hearts) fuppofe they were deftitute of,grace, add never had felt found comfort ; fhould they utterly defpaire , or giveplace todeading forrow ? Inno fort, for Chrifl calleth the burthened and ladento comeunto him. for