`_'_-_W_._-ç batter downe ourFaith, and howhe may be refilled. for cafe and comfort. Being deflitute ofgrace andcom- fort, they are willed to repaire untohim for both,who bath fi ffîcientin llore for them. If they finde not themfelvesrn beeafed, they know they areburthened ; ifthey benot wa- tered, they feele themfelves tobe thirflie ; ifthey beleeve not , they are allowed , invited,encouraged tocomeunto Chrifl : To them he calleth, as ifhe didparticularly name them, Comeyee to thewaters and drinke ; Come unto me, and I will refrefh you. Why {landyee trembling as if your cafewere defperate? Yee delire helpe, and bee calleth * you, Bee ofgood courage, and come un- to him. The end of the fi'rf part. 191 The Eray Si.r,2. joh.7. 37. Apoc.22.17. * Mark.7o49.