Ball - BT770 B3 1637

_.-.--_----.- What it is to live by Faith,ßtc. author ofeterna!tfalvation : But faith is the radicali band on our part,wher;ebt weare tieduntoChrill, and live in him, The body hath its' íèule v. hich enlives ic; and fo hath thefoule its foulewi-trehy it lives, and that is'(hrifi the quickZnin?finit. Take away the folic from the body, and earth becomes earth : tever Chrift and the foule,what is it but adead carrion ? The members die ifthey be fcpa- rated from the Head, live fo longas theybe confoyned to it: Chrift is to his Church,and every living member ofit, what the naturali Head is to the naturali members, And fo we live primarily and properly by Chrif}, as by the foule and Head ; by faith fecondarily,as by the Spirits,the band offoule and body; or byNerves and Grewes, the ties of the Head and Members Looke as the leg orarme lives byproper finewes, uniting them to the Head s fo doth every believer live in Chritl by a wel-rooted,fcveraigne, particularfaith,whereb he receiveth Chrift, and is made one withhim. Thus faith he himfelfe, Who is the truth andthe life, Iam the refurref7ion, and the life hee that believeth inme,though he were dead, yet Ad he live ; and, I Iam the breado f life, hee that believeth in mee¡hall never hunger ; andagaine, As the Father bath life in hiinfelfe,: fo bath hee given to the Sonne to have life in himfefe, Thus fpeake the holy Scriptures of him, In it was life, and that life was the light ofmen ; When Ghrifl, who isour life, fhallapeare. Our hands have handled the word of life. For the life was manifoffed, andwe have feene it, and beare witneffe,andfhew untoyou that eternal'life,whiçh'was with the Fat her,andwas manifeffedantous, And this is the tetiimony of thofe three heavenly and earthly witnefiès, ThatGod hathgiven to us eternal/ life, and this 'life is inhis Son; He that bath the Son bath life, andhe that Math not the Sonne,6ath not,¿fe, Whatfoever .grace we Want, it is to be received from Chrit}, Who ofGod ismadeunto us wif- dome, righteoufneffe, fantlificaation, .and redemption: and whatfoever grace is in Chrilt for us, it is made ours by faith. And fówe finde in divers paffages_öfScripture that 0 2 he 195 Hsb.S,gt. [ Cor.tS 45 EpheCl,22.,23 &g i6, i joh.[.t,;. [ Ioh,S,[ i,i a a Cor.r,;c.