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i9;6 What it is to liveby Fitith,&c. ' oh. s 13 herhat bath faith,hatiothe Sonne; an4 eternall life inhim. This islively reprefented unto us by the Parable of the Vine and toebranches, that as the branch receivesall the 'ohm 15.5. fap(wherebyit lives and is fruitfull) from the Vine,fado We fromChril},being engrafted into him. Life then is from Chrifl as the Author, Prince, and .Fountaine hut welive by faith as it incorporateth us in- to Chril',: and received] him to dwell in our hearts So that whatfoever we lend to faith, it redounds to the ho- nour of Chrifl. it is, that faith fhould waxe proud towards her Lord, or infolent over her fellow fer- vents, challenging any thingófdefert untoher felfè. No; faith receivesallofgraceas a poore beggar,and altogether Rom,;.2,7. excludes theharefull law ofboa'`ing. This is the nature, Rom.4. t 6, the place, theofficeof faith ; for Godbath ordained that EpheC.a, >, life fhould be through faith, that it might be of meere to. andrich grace. And if theend, and ineanes, appointed ofGod to lead thereunto, dowell content then itcannot be, that faith fhould lift upher felfe a ainíl graze; or in any thing feekeher owne traife, and not the glory of Goa. Among all thegifts ofGod there is none more ufe- full then faith ; others areprofitable for fotne few thi: gs;, this isfor thislife and the life to come, for all parts and purpofcs ofour lives, in theufe of it manifold, and rich every mannerof way ;, But evermore it advanceth the graceofGod, and caufeth man altogether to difclaime himfelfe,his ability, andworth. Faith ferveth not onely to juttifte,butto us endure inall afflictionswithout makinghafie; The jug lived', in time of his afflií`fions Hab? 4 by faith ; He that believeth, peak th not ha e. It doth Efay z8 ,16. wur ke inus,and g2 :de the courfe of our obedience; Wee have received grace and eAPo ft1hp le i to the obedience off4eh, not onely in beleeving the promife of the Gofpell, but the other part or word of' command. It job .s.4. doth alto prevaile againft all Enemies Thie ie the Rom4.2 !. .virtorie that overcommeth the -world, even ow faith : Hcb.t I.1 1. But inall this,. it leancth, upon the grace 'or God, loo- keel Rom.t Ephef.;.1 7._