Whit it is to liveby Faith,&e. I 97 keth tohis power,and trufleth uponhis faithful' promife. To live byFaith, is by faith in Chris to affent and ad- here unto, and poliefle the whole Word of God as our owne,in all eflates and conditions telling quietly upon his gracious and fáithfnil promife, to receive from his goodhand all needfull bleflings and comforts in fitteff feafon; and in all goodconfcicnce yeelding our felves un- tohis good pleafure in fincere, univerfa I, andcorflanto- bedience. To live by faith is not only tobelieve in Chrift for falvatio ,, or tobelieve throughout cur life, that we fluff be faved in the life to come;but alto ro refl upon the grace and free favour of God, that we fhall have, what- iòever is expedient to bring us fafèly thither, given us freely by the Lord in this life,fo farre as be knoweth it good for us. Godhath made promife of all good things, more then we could aske or thinke, that no good thing !ball be wanting, that whatfoever becomtneth fhall bee for our good : all which the Juft man poflcffeth by faith, and is as well faitisfied, when in temptations and trials he hath no meanesofhelpe, as if he had all that his heart could delire. To theburdened God bath promifed eafe, refrefbing to the thirftie; pardon to the penitent,comfort to them that mourne, perfeapeace to them that waite upon the Lord ; afïiftance, comfort, deliverance to them that be tempted ; preferyation andprotecocion fromevils, with comfortable fupplyof all bleflings temporali and fpirituall fo farce as (hall be good : aii theft faithembra- ceth,poffeffeth,feedeth upon,and fo t etlrth contented and comforted,as ifall helpe thatcouldbe deviled, were pre- fent andcomfort injoyed. The wordofgrace teacheth us to denie ungodlineffe and worldly lsafls,and to livegodly, jell foberly in this?re- lent world : from this word of command faith cannot be wholly turnedafide by allurement or terrour, but refleth upon God for ability,and fweetly inclineth the,heart with delight and chearefullneffe to follow after the Lord. 0 3 Thus Wbat it if to live byfaitb. Nah.; 49, 10 Rom.8.z8, biatth.l [s8. Efay 55.1, Ter.; 1.34. Elày Pro. io. z8. Zach.s.8. [ Cot.lo.r3. Pfa1.91.z,3.ac 84.11 EAy 43.z. 111atth.6.33. TlrasZ.[2.