198 What it is to liveby Faith,&c. Thus to live by faith,is frmely torelieupon the Word ofGod,inall eftatc$ and conditions, with full purpofe to beguided by it,untill the good things contained therein be fullyaccomplilked. This is to be feene in that honourable Heb.zt.r,2,3, company ofWorthies fummed up by the Apoftle,as pat. 4. &e. ternes offaith ; who in all elates and ftraights whatfoc- ver they werebrought into,inall temptationswherewith they were tried, and in alldifficulties wherein they were exercifed, yet folived by faith, that nothing coulddifmay them, much le% overthrow them. By whole example wemay lcarne, fo to yell uponCods Word and promife for all neeedfull helpe, afIlIance,comfort,and deliverance, what dangerordifficulty foever befall us, that webe nei- ther difmayedwith terrour,nor turned aide withworld- lyallurements, nor wearied with delayes, nor fàint in the What ú to be combate. done,tbat roe Now for the attaining hereof thefe two things are might liveby; carefully tobeperformed. faith. Firft,to acquaint ourfelves familiarly with the Word lob 1ä z sa. ofGod, that we might have it in =dinette for direr ion S and comfort. Secondly, to exercife faith aright in the Word of God. r. The Word ofGod is theground ofall our faith,wher- bywe live,be direcïed, maintained, and upheld in all our s Pet. t.4. trials. The promifesofmercy arcas fomany legacies be- queathed us by our heavenly Father,andby hisSonneJe- Pfal.tzg.zo;. fus Chriff, inhis left Will and Teflament: The Com- mandements are fo many direftions to guide in theway ofbleffedneffe, untill we be full partakers of the good things pronaifed : It is therefore molt neccilary and be- ioh,ç.;9. hovefiill for us to feareb this Will and Teftament for all fuch legacies as may'concernc us : andtobinde this law Pro.s.az.zs. continually upon the heart, that it might trade. keepe counfell and comfort as as occalion requires. Faith is the lifeofour foules ; the Word is the ground, life, guide, and moderator of our faith. If Gad ¡hall leade as into the