Whatit as to liveby Faith,&C. thedarkeat any time, orbringus into any ftraight, that we fee no way ofetcaping, or mesncs of reliefe, will it not be a great flayand comfort to our foule, if then wee can call to minde the goodWord of God, fol rnerly laid up in tture,when wecan raife fuckhope of helix in due time, as, mayquiet and content us, till we doeenjoy incf- fec`t the gooddetred ? When the heart is perplexedwith thoughts. dit raè ed with feares, anduntitled with temp- tations ; is it not a great refrefhing that we can call to minde the commandementsof God, directing what wee mutt doeor leaveundone, inftruetirg in the way ofpeace wherein our feet (hall never Humble ? If we would bee ready and skilfull praftitioncrs in tl;e great art ofliving by faith, we mutt excrcife our felves in the Word of God, andget into our hearts and memories, at leaft, the principal! promifes and Commandements, that we may have them in readineffe for dirté ionand comfort uponall occations. Let theword ofChrift dwell inyou richly inall wifedome. And here it isto be obfervcd, that betides expreffe Commandements and direct promifes generally offered, there be fpeciall promifes andCommandements by con- fequent, which weare tonote andmake ufe of. As what- foever God promifeth to any oneofhis children, (not in any fpeciall orproper refpeft,onlyconcerning fuch a per- fon and for filcha time, but) as a common favour be- longingto all his children ; that we may, and ought to receive as apromife made tous;Thus theApoi`tlediffwa- ding from cavetoufnefle, applieth that promife to all the faithful', which in fpeciallwas (soken unto Ioflmah,Iwill net leave thee,norforfalte thee.WhEfoever wefind that any ofGods people have prayed foranygood thing, andhave bin heard,if it werenot by fpeciall prerogativepeculiarto them, we niay takeitas a promifetous. Ifought tieLord, andheheardme : anddeliveredme fromallmy feare. They lootedunto him, andwereligbtned : andtheirfacer werenot afhaaned.Tbirporeman c ied and theLord heard him, and 0 4 laved 199 Pall4.z9. Pfal. z 19,i4. Col.3. 16. Heb.z 3.5. Pfa1.34.44)6.