Zoo lam.f.51. Pfal.9 5.e5. fifay 43.2. z Cor.4.8.7. Plail.;.16.1y. Pro.2.so, 2. The atteof Faith. As 24.54. What it is to liveby Fwith,&c. favedhimout of all his troubles. What favour God bath (hewed unto any of his children, according to promife and covenant ofgrace, the fame may all that be in cove- nant withhim, expeCI and looke for. For all the faith - full have the fame God to be their God, live under the fame covenant, andhaveintereft in the fame promifes of mercy. Thus farms exhorting to patience in trouble, alledgeth the exampleof Iob,Yeehave heardofthe patience of Job, andhavefeene the endofthe Lord. As for extra- ordinary favours, or deliverances, granted unto ionic perlons, by fpeciall priviledge, andnot by vertueof com- mon covenant : we cannot promife our felves the fame in particular from their example ; nor did the Lord vouch- fafe the fame to the farne perlons at all times; but as fuch peculiar mercies imply a common groundor reafon, they are unto us arguments of comfort and incouragemcnt. Goo do.h not ordinarily fendhis Angels to open the pri- fon dooms. nor flop the mouches of Lions nor quench the :ores ofthe fire forthe prefervation of his people: but from fuch extraordinary examples we may conclude, that Godwilà be with us an the fire and in the water to deliver or comfort us, to fuccour or fupport us, that we (hall not be forfaken, much lefle overcome. Alfo in the pratiice ofrhe fervants of God, we may learne our duty: for whatfoever they didupon common gr unds and rea- fons, pertaining to us no leflè ;hen unto them ; that duty belongeth untous,as well as unto th ,. m,and theirexample is for our imitation. Speciali Commandments, by pri- viledge given to fome peculiar perfons, belong not unto them, who have received no inch warrant : but if the immediate ground be common, the duty it kite reacheth unto us. Being acquaintedwith the Word, ifwe would live by faith, we muff exercife itaright therein, and that con- Meth in divers ads. Firil, Faith doth firmely and univerfally agent to the wholeWord ofGod, and fet adue price andvalueupon it