Ball - BT770 B3 1637

What isit tolive by Fititb,&c. ir, as thatwhich containes the chiefe good ofMan. The Gofpcllis that pearle ofprice,in comparifon whereofthe merchandifeofRiver and gold are of no°worth. Secondly, It ponders theWord ferioufly, and treafures it up fafe. Earthlymen keepe the conveyances and aflà- rances oftheir Lands very circumfpectly, layup their bits and bonds, writeupon them, knowwhen they expire,and what to challenge by them. The promifes of God unto the faithful! foule, are in('}eed of all affurances, bils and bonds for l is livelihood, maintenance, prote±on, afli- ftance,deliverance. comfort and everla(ting happineffe ; therefore he is carefull toview them often, lay themup lure, meditate upon their (t:abieneffe and certainty, and salt with himfelf what profit and comfort theywill bring in fittelf feafon, Thirdly, It preferveth and keepeth in the way of the promifes,it per(wadcth,inciteth, andftrengthens therein. All thepromifes of Godare free, his favours of meere grace ; but this free favour is in fpeciall bequeathedunto the penitent, wnecke, humble, upright, that walks in the undefiled way, and doe none iniquity : and faith in thefe promifes expecting the Lords helpe al fuflicient in due feafon, carrieth a man forward in the path, wherein bee (hall finde reff and peace, and will not be turned out of the right way, then which it acknowledgeth none fafe or pleafanr. Fourthly, It plies the throne of grace with earnen and continual) fupplications, intreating helpe and fuc- cour accordingunto promife. Faith hearkeneth what the Lord fpeaketh, and fpeaketh backe againe in fer- vent groaner and delires. It bath the promife ofGod, and therefore is bold to pray, andwill not keepe fi lence. Fiftly, It looketh up directly unto Gott, his wife- dome; power, mercy, and faithfullneffe : If wanes bee prefent, faithbeholdeth Gods hand in them: if meanes be wanting, the eye is lifted up _unto the Lord; who can 201 113at,13.45,4ú Pfal.izg I. PrO. i9.ió. Pfal.ti9. 3- Z Sam.y.zy.