y-.---- Zoo ( What it is to live by Faith,&e. Pfalq.;. Pfal.I;. q. Meaner to /lit up our(elver to livebyfaith. Finde out thy unbeliefe. can provide meanes, or worke without meanes and agaìnft manes, and moff certainly will perforate what he hath promifedwhen it (hall be for our good. cítily voice Jhale thou heare in the morning, O Lord, in the morning will I orderly addref fe two thee, and will looks est. Sixtly, It rellethquietly obferving theeffeés ofGods promifes, and triumpheth before the vic`Iory. I have trufledin thy mercy, my heart fall rejoyce to thy falva_ tion. But ofthefe more at large in the particulars fol- lowing. Now for thebetter áirringup ofour febves to liveby faith. FirfI, Wemuff find,and ferret out the Infidelity, that lurketh in our bofornes; condemns it,andmake itodious. Ah,how is my heart fallen by unbeliefe ? What a maffc of infidelity harbonrcth in my breafl ? O Lord, I am groffely ignorant cf thy waies, dou5tfull of thy truth, diftruttfafl ofthy power and good,r,effe,difobedientto thy Commandement. Thou hail given rare and excellent promifes in thy holyWord ; but I enquirenot after them, rejoyce not in th:°m, cleave not unto them in truth and fledfaflneflc,fettle not mine heart upon them, make them not mine ovine, keeps them not fife, that I may know what tochallengebythem, prize them not according to the worth and value of thegood promifed Becaufe by a civill faith risenbelieve men, therefore they feeketo get their fecurity, and if they have a manofcredit his word for what wasdcfperate,they areglad; Iftheyhavebonds pr fpccialties, they boxethemup,theyknow when they expire, what tochallenge by vertue of them, theywill do nothing that may beprcj}tadiciail to themfelvesthercin. But as for the promifesof life made in thyWord, I feeke them nor, bùild not upon them, bide:them_ not carefully inmyheart, call not ferioufly withmy felfewhat goodI may aifurcdlylooks for byvertueof them, keeps them not continually in thought tocut offall:carnall rcaffanings and