Whatüittolive by Faith,&C. and diraftions, amnot wary to prevent what maybring prejudice to my foule and Rate. Thou threatneft in thy Word, but I donot feare, amnot carefull to decline fin. Who is fo hardie as to thruft his fingerinto the fire ? But Ihave fuflered my felfe often to be carried afide with lulls through tnbeliefe. How many wicked motions have I entertained ? what finfull patrons have I nouri- fhed ? how vainly,rafhly,wickedly have I fpoken,though I have binwarnedby thy Word ofthreatning to thecon- trary ? True and righteous are thy precepts, according to whichthou haft commanded me towalke : But I have followed the cuflomes, examples, and traditions ofmen, the fuggeftions of Satan, and allurements of theWorld. Luft and paillon have oft comebetwixt myheart and thy holyprecepts, whereby I am turned afide from the ftraite wayofpeace. I can find fmall rclifh and favour in the Word oflife, I digefl it not, feednot upon it, hunger not after it, am not changed into thenature of it.I receivenot the truth,or it abides not in me for fubftantiall nourifh- ment : I beleeve nofurther then I fee,fearcnomore then I feele,flart afide in temptation. The Symptomes of unbeliefe arc evident. From this root fpringeth that unmeafurable deadneffe that preffeth downe. If a man of authority threaten with racke or gibbet, Iquake and fears : but when I hearethe judge- ments ofGod denouncedagainft my fins, I am fcarce mo- ved at all. From this arifethimpatience, murmuring, difcontent, unquictneffe, when outward things are wanting : For did the heart cleavefait untoGod, it would tell quiet in his promife,ifall other things were lacking. Selfe- confidence, refting inmeanes, and leaning upon them, as lands,riches,friends,&c. are effects of unbeliefe. He that rejoycethin Chrift Jefus can Lave no confidence in the fíe(h.As wegrow dowse, denyingour wifedome, . and all ftrength wecan make ; fo doth faith in our great Godgrowup; as we fwcll or be puffedup in conceitof our 203 Symptomes of uabelrefe. Pfa1.7 8, tg,2 i 22. Num.r4,a7. Rom. i o. 3. Jer 17.5. Pfal.4o.4.& 52-7^ Ph,i.3 3. Ier.g.23.