Ball - BT770 B3 1637

What is it to live by kaith,&c. 205 Did we affurcdlybelieve that our Heavenly Father will provide for us, we would not difquiet our (elves with troublefome thoughts about living, maintenance, and fucceffe of our labours. But,ah, how is my heart taken up with diflrafting cares, drawne away with carnal! pleafures, and afpiring deliires after great things. Ifriches increafe, I rejoyce in them ; If troubles or croffes come on, my head is wholy bulledabout them ; I can keepe no meafure in calling, difcourfing, contriving how things will goo. The many thoughts that I fpend about thefe things to no purpofe, upo i no occafion, doe more then fufficiently convince the earthly ditlemper of my heart. Partiall obedience, indulgence to any finne, fleight- neflie in the performance of holy duties; and rafhnefl'e in the undertaking of ordinary works without feare, rove- rence, and due confideration,is the evillfruit ofunbeliefe. For the ftrength of faith is uniforme, it fghteth again!! S all finne; feedeth upon the dainties that God hath prepa- 1 red for them that lovehim, and teacheth in naturali and civili aaions tohold Chrill, that his Spirit may guide us in the doingofthem. But I have beetle toofavourable to' boifterous paflions, eviil lutrs, vaine rovings, idle fpee- I ches, neglec`l of'holy duties. I have prayed without in- tention, fervencie, or care to fpend : I have heard the Word, but not attended unto it with diligence, not la- boured to get it into pofl'effion, nor to be changed in- tothe nature of it. Ihave f.alled without feare or thank fulnefle ; I havelaid medowne tofleepe and rifen againe, not minding the promife cf God, who giveth fleepe to his beloved, not acknowledging him who is my life, and the length of my dales, nor fearing the grin that is fet for mee in every creature and bu ineffe of this life. What (hall I fay ? OLord, I have finned againil thy goodneffe, power, mercy, and truth ; again!! the Media- tion and blood of Chrill. He that believer not in. God, makes bim a liar, then whichwhat can be more reproh- ull? i lohn