2Oó Whitt it is to live by Faith,&c. full.? He that refleth not upon Chrifl, maketh his blond of noneeft-eel, then which what is more abominable ? To feare the threats ofMan, to ref( on his Word,toobey his Commandements, when the will and pleafure of' God is neglec`led; what is this, but to rob God of his glory, and fit up Man inhis roome or aced ? If a great Man fhould threaten, would I not be careful! to decline i 1 his wrath? Shall my Gcd threaten, and I be fecure and careleffe?IfI have a mans word or bond that is ofworth, I write upon thematteras if I had its Shall I not joy- fully re ft in the word, Peale and oath of my God ? Ifa Man ofgreat place mould be asked a pawre, and not cre- ¡ dited on his word, he Would take it in evil! part . what a fhame is it, that I fhouldnot believe God further then I have his caution ? The fervants of Noblemen attend on 1 their Lordspleafure at an Inch, come at their call, goeat their command, do every thing ex-elly that is given them í in charge 5 What wrerchednefe is this in me, that I have obeyed the Lordby the haves, beetle fleighty in his wor- [hip, moll negligent where all diligence is no more then Tito., y. duty, molt praife-worthy. As I havedimonoured God, Ely 7.9 Num.a.o, fo I have hurt mine owne foule. If it were not for unbe- rz, liefe,nothin couldharme me; this Both all the mifchiefe Luk.r.zo. for it rejeclcththe medicines, which taken, would cure all maladies; and pullethoff Gods plaiflers, which lying on would ft':.ve our miferies s it defileth our heft workes, doubleth the bittcrneffeofcroffes, pulleth downe many judgements upon us,difinableth in the combate again[} Sa- tl an, is thenurfe offpirituall idlenefle, and hindreth the fweetnefle of all holy duties. It were juft with thee, DeareFather, to call me offfor ever, and giveme over to the vanity of mine unbelieving heart. I have Heb.eo;8, ;q drawne backe from thee by infidelity, cleaving to the lofts ofthe fiefh andallurements of the W of Id, trolling in vaine devices ; and thou mighteft juflly forfake me utterly for this mine hypocritical! flartin afide from thy tc(timonies.. O Lord, I am not more fullof infidelity by nature,