Ball - BT770 B3 1637

208 Pfal, g, t o s Tim-Las. Heb. a t. r i. Rom.4 nt. Íú 4. Patine. iroe4linef of h lockt on cbri/t. Heb. i 2. Prayfor the fpirit ofja'th. What it is to live by Faith,&c. ?hole that know thee, will trut in thee. This co firmed maul, eflbraham, Sarah in the fai. h. Iknowwhom Ihave believed, anlthatheir able to k epe that Ihave committed unto hieu:untill that day. He itfaithful' who loathpromi!ed, amiable all-0 to performe. The free promifes of the Lord are all certaine, his Commandements right and good, the recompence of reward ineLlimably to be valued above thoufands of gold and filver Trail tierefore in the Lord, Omy foule, and follow hard afro- him.Thouhail his free promtfe,who never faied,whobath promifed more then porn' thou cculd[t awke or think; who hath done more for thee then ever he protnifed, who is goodand bountifull to the wicked and ungodly: thou doell his worke, who is able, and affuredly will beare thee out; there is a Crowne of glory propofed unto thee above all conceit of merit : flicke fail untohis Word, and fuffèr , »othing to divide thee from it, Refl upon his promifes, thoughhe feeme to kill thee ; cleave unto his ['tatares, th ugh the flefh lull, the World allure, the Divell tempt by flatteries or thrcatnings to the contrary. Fourthly, When we feefe our faith weake, we mu[} locke up to Chrift, the beginner and finilber of faith in ur. k fainting body will talle force thing that is cor- diall andreflorative : and a tainting foule mull baite it felfe with looking to fefus,who is our cordiali and ref}o- rative. Fiftly, Faith is a grace that is given from above, and commeth downe from the Father cf lights, unto whomwe mutt fly by fervent prayer, humbly begging, that he wouldby his Spirit both reveale unte us, what be thofe previous promifes, which he bath made unto his people, and give us wifedomc rightly to judge of them, and firmely to receive them in every dilate ; and above all, tomove oar hearts fo tobelieve them. that we may affure our felves of all needïull 'tape in due time, Peeing Godahfufflcient and faithfull hath promifed it, and