touching thepremifsofpardon andforgivenef,&c. and waite uponhim in theway ofhis Commandements. Merciful' Father, it is my finceredefìre,and unfained refe- lution to drawnigh unto thee,and put my truft in thy mer- cies for evermore. But of any felfe I have no ability to (land in faith, or to follow hard after thy Commande- ments; I am full ofdoubtings,when I can fee no meanes to put mein hopeofhelpe, and ready to fluke downe in defpaire: upon every final' occa(ion I am ready to flagger and flip afide. Take pittie upon me, O Lord, for thy mercy fake, for I flic untothee for Lelpe. Thouhaft com- manded me to believe, hold me by thy right hand that I fhrinke not ; reveale thy promifes unto my underftan- ding, givemee _a found judgement, eftablifh me in the faith more and more, unite my heart clofe unto thee, that all thedarts of the Divell may fall oft, and not bee able to woundmy confeience. Thou hail givenme to fee my wèakenefîe in faith, and to bewaile it ; to f e the ne- ceffity and excellent life offaish,and to defireit : give me alfo ftedfaftly to believe, according to the riches of thy grace,that I may glorifie thy name. CHAP. II. What it is to live byfaith inparticular touching the promifes ofpardonandforgiveneffe, and how toflirre up our¡elves thereunto. H E life of faith, which is as large as the Word of God,muft be diftinguifhed according to the parts and feverall branches ofit, promifes, Commandements, threatnings. By promifes underftand all thofe declarati- ons ofGods will, wherein he fignifies in the Gofpell what good he will freelybellow. And thefe be either Spirituall or Temporali ; concerning this life,or the life P to 2 09 What thepro_ mifer be,and the tinder ther- of.