Ball - BT770 B3 1637

210 What it is to liveby Faithin particular 1'hepromife of forgis;eneffe of fing. Ifay 559 Deut.3o. t,z. i Reg.8,3 5 Ier.33.E.8c 31.34. Thiaprontife is free. JfaY 43 zf. & 49.22. Hof.t4.4 Mich.7. i S. Heb.8., a. Jer.3 0.34. Dcut.s 1.8. Num. 14.I 8. Tet obtained through Chrift onely. Joh.c.zg. tocome ; of things limply neceffary to falvation, or of things good in themfelves, but not alwaics good for us all which are received,poffefled, and injoyed by faith, ac- cording as theybe promifed of God,cither with,or with- out limitation. Amongft f pirituall promifes abfolutely necefi'ary,with- out which there can be no falvation, the fir(l and chicle is concerning pardon or forgiveneffe offinnesand Juflifiica_ Lion. God ofhis rich grace and mercy in Jefus Chrifl doth makeoffer of free and full forgiveneffe ofall finnes to every burdened, thirilie and penitent foule. Let the wieked forfake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts : and let him returne unto the Lord, andhe will havemercy uponhim, and toour Godfor he willabundantly pardon. Retorne thou backe-Eliding Ifrael, faith the Lord, andIwillnot raufe mine anger tofall upon you : for Ian, wgercifull, faith the Lord,and Iwill not keepemine augerfor ever.Iwillcleanfe themfrom all their iniquity,whereby they havefinnedagainfi me, andIwillpardonall their iniquities whereby theyhave finned,andwhereby they have tranfgrefed again'?me. This promife is made of free and undeferved mercy, not forany merit that is,or poffibly could be in us. I, even Iamhee that blotteth out thy tranfgreons for mine ownefake andwillnot remember thyfsnnes.I willlove them freely, formine anger is turnedaway fromhim.Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity and paffeth by the tranfgrefon ofthe remnant ofhis heritage ?he retaineth net his angerforever, becaufe he delighteth in mercy. I will bemercifullto their unrighteoufneffe, and their linnet and their iniquities will I remember no more. Be merciful!, p Lord, unto thypeople Ifrael, whom thouhafp redeemed.But whenwe hcareofgrace,wemull remember Chrift,in and through whom God is gratious unto us. Chrifi is the Lambe of god, which taketh away the fnner-ofthe world: and this great benefit of forgiveneffeoffin= is plentiful- ly proclaimed unto us mtferable hurlers, in and through him.