touching thepromifesofpardon andforgiven ,&C. 2 t I him. Thus it is written,andthus itbehovedCbrift tofairer, and to rifeagaine from the dead the thirdday ; anti that re- pentance an Rtmilon of finnes fhould bee preached a- mong all nations,beginning at Ierufalem. Bee it known unto you therefore, t_Xen and brethren, that through this Stan, (meaning Chrift) preached unto you the fergivenefeaf fumes. 'Now then we are Ambaff'adors for Chrif , as though God did befeech you byus ; weprayyou in Chrifts fired, bee yee reconciled to Clod. Hereunto agreeth that invitationofour Saviour ; Come untome all yee that Labour, and are heavie laden, and Iwill giveyou ref. This promife ofgrace is received,po41'efï'ed and enjoyed by faith alone,but by an operative and lively faith. Tohim giveall the Prophets witnefe, that through leis Name,who- foever believeth in him,(hallreceive remifon of finnes. And by himal that believe arejufti feed from al things,fromwhich yee could not be juftified by the Law of Mofes. Though faith be accompanied with other graces, yet Man liver] by it alone,not by it and other parts of graceas joynt fup- porters,in as muchas by it alone he trolls in Gods mercy offered in Chrift, wholy relying on it, not partly on mercy, partly on righteoufnefle inherent ; We arejuftified freely by hisgrace, through the redemption that is in Lelia Chrift: whom rodbathfetforth to be apropitiation through faith inhis blood,to declare his righteeufnefJefor theremiton o f finnes that are paft. The Scripture forefeeing that God wouldjufiifie the Heathen throughfaith,preached before the Goffiellunto Abraham, Paying, In thee 'hall all nations be61effed. And thus the Lord bath ordained for divers reafons. Fir(l, this promife: is of faith, that it might bee of free grace, which cannot (land with the dignity of workes.If itbee bygrace, then is it no more ofworks: other- wifegrace is APmoregrace. But ifitbe ofworker, then is it no more grace, otberwife worke is no more worke. Faith anfwers the promife, and receives the pardon of' P 2 grace Luk.14.46,47 Alts i3.38. Mat.' And received andpolfeffed byfaith. Ads 10.43, AEts s 3. ;g. And ly it alone Rom. 1.17. Gal.z.16 & 3.11,24. Rom.3.2411,5, z6. Gal, 3.8. Gen. 3 z.3. Gen./5.6. T. Rom.4. i6. Rom. i i.6.