zia Ì What it as toliveby Faith& partieaalar graceas a pore bagger, utterly denying all worthineffe in the fubjec1; whereas other graces, had they beene affigned to this office, would have challenged focnething to themfelves. 2. Secondly, it is offaith that it might be fledfaft and fare toall the feed : whyfo ? becaufe the promife is ofgrace. Faith and grace doe fweetly confent, mutually uphold eachother. Faith leaneth upon grace alone : and grace or mercy is promifed freely, that we might believe ; and vouchfafed to him that doth believe and accept it. : With- out faith therefore the promife doth fall. And if the promife of remiffion of Grimes did depend upon any worthineflè in us to receive it, wee fhould not onely waver and be uncertaine, but even utterly defpaire of ever fpeeding. 3 Thirdly, that onely is the true manner ofJu!lification, which (huts forth all boalling in the dignity ofour Jer.9.2 3.. workes. But faith excludes all boalling in our felves, and teachath us to glory in the Lord our righteoufnelfe. Rem,3. 27,18. Where is boatixg then ? it is excluded, By whatLaw ? works ? Nay, but by the Lawoffaith, Therefore we con- dude, that aman isjugified byfaith, without the deeds of Rom.4.1,3. theLaw. For ifAbraham werejuflifzed by worker, hehark 41" 8'9' I whereofto for but not before God. For what t C4r.t.30,31 f gl y f faith the Scripture,Abrahum believedGod, and it was countedunto hirefor righteoufnefe, lristtecep As God invitesus to receive the promife of pardon to e 8 áirhom offered in the Gofpell, fo it is neceffary that weembrace of/in yÍ it bya lively faith. For in our felves we beGnfull and cur- fed,no way able to make any fatisfa&ion, whereby wee might be delivered, and remiffion which is ofgrace, can be oHHtained by noother meanes,but onely by faith in Je- R 132, .6,7 fus Chrifl.To him that worked, not, but believeth on him that jujtlfzeth the ungodly, hisfaith is countedfor righteonf- nefJe ;even at David alfa defcribeeth the 61efedne(fe of the C21an, unto whom Clod imputetb riQhteoufnefje without workes ; Saying, Bleffedare they whole iniquities areforgi- ven, ._v