touching thepromifes ofpardon and fargivenefe,&c. ven, andwhofe finnes are covered ; Blef fed is the t.l!'an to whom the Lordwill not impute pane, Faith goeth directly untoChrif}, that byhimwe might be Junified, and em- braceth the promifes of God concerning JuRification, which is themannerby which alone God hath ordained to jufifie us. Noman can be heire according to the hope ofeternall life,unleffehe be juRified from fin by the free grace ofGod : for fins, not blotted out by the free par- don of grace, feparatebetwixt God and us, and hidehis face from us.Not by worker ofrighteortfneffe,whichwe have done, but according to his mercy hefavedus,&c. That being juf¢ifzedby hisgrace,we [houldbe made heires according to the hope ofeternallglory.But no pardon is obtained,unlef a the promife of pardonbe received byfaith. Faith in the pro- mifes ofmercy, that we might be acquitted from finne, and accepted as Jul} and righteous, doth commend and maintaine theglory ofGods grace intire, and in this re- fped alfo it is themore neceflàry. As a penitent malefa- C}or,if he were topleade his caufebefore the Prince him- felfe, would notRand upon termes of innocencieor pre- lent integrity, becaufe he had his pardon under feale, fee- ing that was givenhim to pleade for mercy, not forfu- Rice: fo the fàithfull foulerelyeth upon the free mercyof God,andpromifeof pardon proclaimed indefinit:ly to all burdened and penitent (inners, and fealed toevery belee- ver inparticular by the pledges of the Spirit; not upon thofè fanaified graces which are given unto him, that he might bee qualified and fitted to plead for grace and mercy. The asofFaith concerning this promife of forgive- neffe be divers. Fir1f, it generally believeth the promife true,and there- by difcernes, that fin ispardonable through grace. 'The knowledge ofthis, that our Gnnes maybec pardoned, or that there is mercy with the Lord to cover fin,is a worke offaith. Tor whatfoever cannot bee conceived or found out by fence or reafon, that is manifeRed by revelation, P 3 a Ifay 59a. Tic.3 .5,3 The aEtseffaitb about promifes of pardon. Pfal, z 3 0.4, Luk. z 5.18.