Ball - BT770 B3 1637

214 What it is to liveby Faith issparticular and affented unto or judged trueand certaine by faith, or elfe it remines as a Inyttery unknowne. When the Apo- file defines,faith to be the evidence ofthins not feene ; dotti he not intimate, that things nofee,ie to fenfe or natural! reafon, are difcovered and made evident onely by faith ? But that God will pardon iniquity, tranfgref%on and fin, is a truth that can never be comprehended by the light of nature : Real and bloud hath not revealed it unto us. Su- pernatural' truths which exceedall humane capacity,can- not be difcernedor received byany power ofnature: But Pet, t. a. :. thatGod will be mercifull toour (unes, is a truth fuper- Rom, i6,af, naturall, hidden from theAngels themfelves,untill it was 2,6 revealed in the Gofpell. Who loath knowne theMindeof Eplief.r. 8,9. God, or Beene acquainted with the rryfleriesofhis wife- gay 40.1 3, t 4. dome ? In the dayes offecurity,whi'eit men fleepe in fin, without allfence ofevil', or knowledgeof GodsJuflice, it is an ealie matter to fay,. God is mercifull, Chrifl died for (inners But when theconfcience isawakened with &n.4, t 3. the terrors of Gods wrath, and the feareftilfight of fin; Matth.z7.5, the experience both of wicked men, and of the Saints Pfal.77.3i7i8. of God can tetlifie, that it is a difficult thing to Tooke beyond thecloud ofjuflice, and, contrary to the natural' fentenceofconfciente, comminations of the Law, and prefent feeling, to believe,that there is forgiveneffe with God. 2; Secondly, faith flirrethup earnefl delires and longings tobe made partakers ofthis mercyofGod, and tobe re- frefhedwith his gracious and free favour. All holy and fervent delires are both kindledand nourifhed by it.As our affent to the Divineand heavenlypromif s is moreor lefïe firme,certaine,abíolute tte evident;fo are our delires more or lefl`e fierie,conftant,unfatiable,yea inrefpeet of heaven- ly things unquenchable : As faith tanguifheth,thefe faint: as faith encreafeth, there gather flrength. And no mar - 7oy..4, to, vell, for appetitefolloweth knowledge, and delire is an- fwerable to that certaineand cleare judgement, that we have of the neceflity,andworth, value anddignityofthe object