touching thep ronsifes ofpardora andforgiverse e,&c, 215 objec`ly appreherded. Now faithdifcovereth both the ne- ceffity and r xcellency of the good, certainly contained in the wordof ptomife, (which as`t of faith is fignified by the openingor piercing ofthe care) and ferioufly medi- tateth upon the fingular benefits offered therein, and fo raifeth the heart unceffantly to hunger and thirft after them. Ar d thefe defreswil be the greaterand more conftant, the more faith is exercifed in the meditation ofthe good- neflè,frecne%, andcertaintieof thefe protnifes. Many things are neglected which are moil pretious, onely be- caufe the value ofthem lyethhid, or is not apparent, or the prejudiceof fenfiMe, but deceivable experience doth overfway. No marveile then, ifthe pardon of fin be negled ed, though thebenefit be probably knowne,when it is but fieightly thought upon, fùpetficially looked into, cuflotne having inured the Mmde by longpraftice to the purfuice of arthly delights or profits,wh. rewith it is be- fotted. But with the true believer it fareth muchbetter, for hee feeth how happy it fhould bee with him, if his finnes were covered, and his foule eafed of the burden of them, (how ever it fare withhim in matters of this world) and withall, bee p,.ndereth the truth and vaith- fullne ffe ofthepromie made of meere grace, whereby the heart is flirted up, to cure and long after this blef- ftng, above all good chat can be i.ïa4ined. And yet, fuck is ourcorruption, We ninfi oft breathe out felves in the meditationof thefe things, or elfe wee {hall finde our efieemeofpardon to decay, andour delire to grow cold and dull. Thirdly, It drawetb us forward to feeke mercy of God. Thewife Merchant fi&El- diff. ovcrs the pearle of' price, and then feekethtoget poffef ion of it. The de- fire of believer is not adead or fluggifh with,- -Olt, that my finnes were pardoned, when bee never llirreth up himfelfe to receive the promife : But it is a do liberatede- fire, of abenefit knowne,pofbly tobe attained,attended B 4 with 3. Mat 3.45,4