Ball - BT770 B3 1637

216 What it is to livebyFaith inparticular with much com'ort,and freely prómifed byhim that can- not lie which is ever accompanied with proportionable care toget and po%íí'e the bleflîng deíired;Faith will not Puffer a inzn to fmoother or conceale his delres, nor de- fires themfelves to die : but it preferveth and kindleth delires, and conlfraineth with an holy violence to lay them open before the Lord. Thus by faith a mancommeth freely to renounce his ti- tleand intered in the world, and to part with any thing, that might hinder mercy. The wife Merchant having Mattlh.13,44. found thepearle ofprice,for joy thereof goeth and felleth all that he bath; not as ifhe couldmerit pardon, but that he might becapable ofpardon, and make afaithfull plea for mercy. To this end allo bee humbleth himfelfe, before the throne ofgrace,in true and unfained confeffion ofhis fins, freely judging andcondemninghimfelfe before God,with Pf i.; z. ç. a broken andcontrite heart, I will declaremine iniquitie, Pfa1.38, i 8. Iwill beforriefor myfinne. So the prodigali fonne com- ming home to his Father, doth bewaile his former lewd- Luk. t 5. i 8, neffe,faying,Ihavefinnedagain t Heaven and before thee. Pharaoh and Saul, being evidently convinced of fin, may be co.nllrained inconfcience to make fome confeffion to 'Exocl.9.z7, men, a Ihavefinned Mla time, andthe Lord is righteoeu.: I Sam.z6, zz. haveplayed thefoole, and erredexceedingly. Ü e,9habhum- b z Reg zt.z9. bleth himfelfe before God, and purreth on fackecloth, inhope to prevent the temporall evils, denounced againff him and his houle : But theconfeffionof true and unfai- ned faith is free andvoluntary, in hope offreepardonand forgivenef e.. Temporariebelievers maymake confeffion oftheir fins with fouie griefe and forrow, but as they confeffe their fins, fo they believe : their confeffion is maimed, and their faith fuperficiall ; they renounce not their interefl in the world, which inferres the willing choice offome inferiour good,before the favour and love of God, and theirbeliefeof the promifes is (hallow, and fubordinate to theirbale and earthlypa(ions.But the con- feffion