touching the prornifes of"pardon anel frgiv ene/f'e,&c. 217 fef ionoffaithunfained,is hearty and fincere, joyned with a true detellation of all fin, as that which hath, and would make feparation betwixt God. and him, if it bee not renounced by him, and pardoned of God. And to them that confeffe their fins in this manner is the pro- mife made ; Ifwee confeffe ow-litotes, godisfaithfull, and , IoE,.T.9. jolt, toforgive toour fnnes, and to cleanfe us bornall un- riQhteoufnefre. Hee that coverethhisfinnesfh 'll not profiler: Pro r,t3. but who fo confeff'eth andforfaketh them "hall have mercy. Only acknowledge thine iniquity that thou haft tranfgreffed agaisf the Lordthy God. If wee would judge our (elves, Ter, .z wee fhouldnot bejudged. Ifail, I will confeffe my tranf- Cor. i.; a. greilions unto the Lord, and thou forgaveft the iniquity of Pfaff.3 a.5 my Panne. Which is mutt lively to be feene in the para- ble ofthe prodigall before mentioned,where the Father (retembling God)is faid,to havemet his loft famebefore Lwk., ç,:o. he came at him,and tohaveembraced and kiffed him, : af- ter he was refolved inhimfelfe to acknowledgeand con- feffehis faults. As faith teacheth the poore tanner tohumble himfe:fe in untaine i confeflion ofhis manifold offences, fo inftir- reth & encouragethhim to powre out his foule inearneft andhearty prayer unto God, for pardon and forgiveneffe, through the mediationofJefus Chritt. Thus he is taught ofGod, Take with you words and turne to the Lord, fay .efts 8.z t: ontohim,?ak,,e awayall iniquity,andreceive usgracioufty : Hof. fo will werender the calves ofour lips. Bath thefe maybe feene in the poore Publican, whodurft not lift up his eyes to Lak. n 8 a 3. Heaven, but[mote himfelfe upon the breaft, Paying, God beeme`rcifull to me a f nner. And fo the Church prayeth. o remember not againfít usformer iniquities: let thy ten jiff79,8 der mercies fpeedilyprevent u-s. This prayer of faith is joela.,7. not prefented before God, in affurancethat his fins be al- ready pardoned, but toobtaine pardon of' the richmercy ofGod,by and through the meritsofIefus Chrifi.And the promife is to him that prayeth unfained'y, that he fhall bee forgiven : Ifmypeople, whichare called by my Name, (hall