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218 Mat,7,7, Joel z,; z. i 3, What it is to live by Faith inparticular fliaafl humble rhamjelves and pray, andfeeke my face, and turne fern their wicked wales : thenwill Iheare f onoFlea- ven, andwillforgive theirfine. Aske,and it fhall be given you : peke, and;ee fhallfonde. whofoever fhall call upon the name of the Lord, ¡Tull bee delivered, viz, from fin and death. 4 Fourthly, Faith receiveth the promife of mercy made in Chrift, and embraceth or refleth upon the ip ciall, free mercyofGod in Chrift for pardon : And hereby we are ¡unified, that is, of (inners made Jun and Righteous, not by infulion ofholineflè, but by free condonation and acceptation of grace. Chrift is every where made the I thing, which faith embraced) to falvation, andwhom it Iooketh unto and refpeceth, as it makes usrighteous in Joh. r I. z 5,205. the fight ofGod : and faith jultifyeth, not by any-vertue Acis 15.1 r. Rom,ro4. Gal. z. a 6. Ephef r. r 5. Phil.3,9, 5. Iob r9,ti5. 'Tat. t2.5. Ifa.38.17. Pfal.65.;. Gal.z,zo. : Joh,3.r4, ordignityofit ovine, but as it receiveth and refleth on Chrift our R%rhteoufneffe, oar Saviour, our Redeemer Pam/inne anddeath. It is the good *afireof God re- vealed in theGofpell; to pardon and juftile them from alltheir firmer, that believe in Chrift ; and faith ju'tifi- eth, as it leaneth upon him, to receive fprciall mercy through him, or which is all one, to obtaine forgive- nefleoffinsof themeere and rich grace of God through him ; And this is the anon formall ad of faith a> ¡uni- fying, 'Fifthly, It doth certific of pardon granted and fealed untous : It lothobtaine, receive, andaf?ure offorgive- nefïe inparticu'ar. l know that my Redeemer liveth ; Thou fergavefl the iniquity ofmyPanne; Thouhaft oafallmyfins behindthy Backe ; Asforour tranfgrefflons thou jhalt purge them away : Chrigbath loved a nee, andgiven himfelfe for me. We know that wearepafedPont death unto life, becaufe we love thebrethren.T hefearedivine conclufions of a live- ly faith. But this perfwalon or afhurance, that our fins are already pardoned,is not an adof faith ¡unifying, asit julifyeft,butan adof faith following ¡unification, a pri- viledge granted of grace toa Pinner now fet in the Rateof grace,