Ball - BT770 B3 1637

220 What it is to live by Faith in particular ture, the other evident by the witneffeof Confcience, is, Therefore my finnes are forgiven,or I {hall be faved.The order ofclimbing to this affurance,isthe rather tobe mar- ked, that weake Chriftians, who want the comfortable fence and feelingof this mercy, might learne to feeke it indue order as the way is laid downe before them in the Word ; andnot dejen themfelves without caufe, as though they were utterly deflitute of' faith in Chri[l, becaufe they want the fence of this aflàrance, and fo could doe nothing acceptable, becaufe it is not done in faith ; nor tire themfelves in a prepofterous courfe, not knowing where to lsy the foundation or, beginne their I Three prerooa Worke, tives that af- Three prerogatives do ever accompany this co, fident companyC0nf' affurance ofour Reconciliation with God. dent afiurance. Firfl,Peace with God, or{table tranquillity andfweete Y ss calmneff'e ofMinde ; Sinne * had broken offour friend- Efa z, P*hi1,4.7, ship and peace with God : butbeing jufified by faithwe have rerniflion offinnes, and fo the caufe of enmity being taken away, peace is rettored, Even that peace of God which pafeth unaerflanding, and is in [lead of a guard to k.eepe our heartsandminds in Chrif ; that golden Legacie which ChriP bequeathed unto his Difciples, when bee left the World. Peace I leave withyou,my peace Igive un_ 1011,14.27. toyou. Beingjuflified by faith, we have peace with God, Ephef,z16,17 through our Lord Iefen Chrifí, And from this peace be- Rnm.5. L. gins lively co fclation against the temptations of finne, Satan,and theWorld : from the fence hereof the faith- full foulemaytriumph with David, The Lord is with me, Mil. 56,4. I will not feare what man can doe unto mee; and with Rom.8.3 .; 3,3 4 the Apoftle, who(hall lay any thing to the charge of gods Elef ? It is god that . : who is bee that condem_ neth ? Z, Secondly,Free acceffe unto the throne of grace with ¡ . boldneffe and confidence, Chriff as it were leading us by the hand, into the prcfenceofGod , that we might enjoy his grace in prefence. When we were enemies we fled from