I touching thepromif s of ardonand f rgivenef,&c. from the throneof God : but being reconciled by his grace,wehave free acceffe tocome into his pretence, to askewhat we will, withafliarance it [hall be done unto us. `By whom(fe. Chrift) Alfa we have aceeffe byfaith, into this gracewherein weftand. Thirdly, Ioy in the Holy Ghoft unfpeakeable audglori otu, which cloth fo lift the faithfull above the Heavens, that being chearedwith the fence of Gods favour, and contented with Chrift alone, they defpifethe world and the bafe things therein. We rejoyce in hopeof the glory of God. endnot onelyfo, but we glory in tribulation alto. Thu3 Davidprayed, c fake me to heare joy andgladneffe; Roftore untome the joy ofthyfalvation. All thefe rare and pretious priviledges fpring from faith:forwithoutfaithno man canpleafe God, by faith wehave peace with God, by faithwe comeunto him,by faith we rejoyce inhim. The GodofHopefillyou with all boy andpeace in beleeving. In whomwee have boldne(fe andaccef fe, with confidence by the faithofhim. But this faith, whichhighly advanceth the Believer to boat} inGod allthe day low, lifteth not up it felfe, wax- eth not proud towards the Lord. Free remiflion, fweet peace, affurance ofGods favour, familiar and heavenly communion with him, and whatfoever rich tokenoffpe, ciall and intire good will God befloweth, thefe cannot puff_ up, but abate the Believer in himfelFe ; the higher he is exalted by the free mercyofGod,thelowerhe hum- blethhimfclfebefore God. I will eflablith my covenant with thee, andthou,'halt know that I am the Lord: That thoumayeft remember, and be confounded, and never open thy mouthany more : becaufe of thylîoame, when Iam pa- cifiedtoward thee, for al that thou haft done, faith the Lord Clod. Sixtly, By faithwee continue in this bleffed [late, in fweet peace & fellowflopwithGod. We cannever take theeye from Chrift, but immediately the remembrance of former fishes doth trouble andvexe the confcience and 22I Rom. 5,1. Ephef:2.18. t flet.3,3. Rom. S. z,3 pCal H6.1/.8. Phil. r.25.. Ro}n.r g. r 3. EpheC3.tf. Ezek.tó, 62, 63.64 36.3 r, 3"