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222 Rom .4.5. Rom.;.z8. T'fal.;p. r,z. Rom. 4.4, 5,6. Whatit is to liveby Faith it particaalar and daily weaxnefles and infirmiti's will breed no fmall di(lurbance, ifwedoe not fue forth a daily pardon,Ther_ fore as webelieve to Tultification, fo nsufl weconti Ale in believing for the atuall pardonof our daily trefpafles. The Apof}le faith, God jfi fcpth the ungodly : but by un- godly in that fentence of Pars!, he is mea t,whodoth not bringhis workes or m:rirs, nor looke ro his graces, qua- lities, aas, or vertues in thematt r of Juflification : but doth bewailehis impiety, and flic to the throneofgrace for pardon, being convinced of guiltinefhe. Thus e l6ra- hamwas all his time comprehended in this Catalogue, and ismade by the Apollle, as a perpetual(, fo aprinci- pall inflance ofthat finall refolution : Therefore we con_ dude, that a man is jufliled 6yfaith without the warkfs ofthe Law. For if believing in him that jui}ifieth the ungodly, was imputed for righteoufnefleunto Abraham, after he had beetle for a long time more righteous then theordinary fort of Gods Saints or chofen, eflbraham all this whileunfainedly believed himfelfe to be a (inner, no way jufifiedinhimfelfe, but feckingto be jullified by him, who ifhe Phew not mercy to finners, while(} they bee finners, all mankind fhould perifh utterly. Thedrift and fcopeof Paulin the third andfourth to the Romanes is onely this : That although menmay be truly jur} and holy inrefpea ofothers, and rich inall manner of works, as e/lbrahamwas thus farre knowne and approved, not by men only,but by God:yet when they appeare before Gods Tribunall,whobc(}knowes as well the imperfec`fi on, as the truth of their integritie, they (fill acknow- ledge themfelves to bee unprofitable fervants, alwayes praying, Lord,forgive au our finnes, and bee mereifull to our offences. So thatall men, even themoat holy, are fin- ners in themfelves,and in the fight ofGod,in theApof}les fence, and are ju(}ifiedby grace, not of debt, after the in- fu(ion of fupernaturallholineffe. The fincere andupright man,in whole fpirit there is no guile, is ju(}ified, not be- caufeofhis fincerity, but bccaufe the Lord imputethnot that